Welcome and thank you for taking the time to look at our website for 2024/2025. We hope that it gives you an insight into our school and shows you what is important to our school community.
Our belief in ‘Aspiration for all’ means that our students are at the heart of our decision making. We understand that safe and happy students are successful. Our commitment is to ensure that all students leave our school, not only with the qualifications they need to access the next stage of their education or career of choice, but with the skills and confidence to make an active contribution to the communities to which they belong.
To secure this everything that we do is underpinned by our values, that we are ambitious, respectful and resilient. Students have the opportunity to develop these values through our ambitious curriculum, leadership opportunities and our extra-curricular activities.
Our curriculum is constantly evolving as we respond to the changing needs of our students. We have a Stage not Age curriculum for GCSE and encourage our students to develop their leadership skills through opportunities such as being part of the School Council, taking part in Student Interview panels or by participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. We also have a large range of sporting opportunities with students not only achieving excellence but also fulfilling our desire for them to experience and find the sport that will make a lifelong different to them.
With around 470 students, we serve the community of Boroughbridge and the surrounding area. We have students from more than 35 primary schools, which gives our school a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere. We feel like a family and, as such, we know our students well making Boroughbridge High School a good place to work and learn.
We actively seek opportunities to develop our practice as we continue to improve for the benefit of our students. We understand the benefit of partnership working and are federated with King James’s School, Knaresborough. We have also over the past year worked with the DfE Behaviour and Attendance Hub and are proud of the rapid progress that we have made as a school community to address our Ofsted priorities.
We’d love you to come and see our school for yourselves and meet some of our students and staff at our Open Evening on Wednesday 9th October from 6-8.30p.m. Further details of how to book a place will be published on the website soon.
We’d also be delighted to show you our school on a working day. If you’d like to arrange a visit please contact us at schooladmin@boroughbridgehigh.com
Kathryn Stephenson