Deep thinking has been the focus in RE for Year 9 students where they’ve been learning about S. Mill’s Harm Principle which is a philosophical theory that is normally covered at A-Level, along with the psychological concept of compartmentalisation. Mr Woodward has been incredibly impressed with their approach as they’ve demonstrated excellent skills, producing some detailed explanations, and applied these ideas in lessons.

Meanwhile, in Year 7 Science lessons, students have been studying Reproduction and carried out a practical experiment using a beaker, egg and fluid to emulate how the amniotic fluid protects a baby in the womb.

Using the school site to its full potential, Mr Grierson’s Travel and Tourism BTEC group visited the school wildlife area to think about the sorts of things that need to be considered when opening a tourist attraction including access, management and marketing.

Poetry has been the focus in Year 8 English lessons where students have been writing poems to enter in the Miller Home competition open to all local schools. The challenge was to write individual poems with a focus on what makes living in Boroughbridge special. Having written their poems, students shared them and then began their own judging to establish their favourites. Mrs Macadam was hugely impressed by the enthusiasm of students and the creativity that they displayed. In the top three were Year 8 students, Lily, Joseph and Kaela.

We were absolutely delighted to hear on Wednesday that Kaela had won first prize. Well done indeed! You can see her being presented with her chocolate hamper and here are the first six lines of her winning poem.

Twelve years ago I was brought into this world

          where flowers bloomed without fail and

          all leaves fell every autumn.


          I grew up near the Devil’s arrows.

          Where my mum would sing to me of the stones

          “Thrice to thine, thrice to mine, thrice again to make it nine!’   


To read the rest of her poem and the other two in the top three, look at the News section of the website.

A year on from the first day of lockdown, on Tuesday at midday the school fell silent to think about those who have died or been badly affected by Covid-19. It was important for us to share this moment as a school community.

So as this unprecedented Spring Term draws to a close all that remains is for me, on behalf of all at Boroughbridge High School, to wish you and your families a very happy Easter break.