It’s been Happy New Year this week as students have all moved up to their new year groups and received their new timetables. They are settling into it very well along with quickly adapting to the new timings of our school day. We now have form time at the beginning of the school day so that we can make sure that students are physically and mentally prepared for learning. Assemblies have been a good opportunity to reinforce standards and routines so that we can build upon the progress already made.
Following the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Expeditions, there was a regrouping on Monday night when students returned to school to give their presentations, watched on by friends, families and staff. Whilst the presentations were very different, both groups demonstrated that it had been a valuable experience, that they’d learnt lots, developed a whole higher level of resilience and, most of all, had a truly great time! The Bronze group will have their own share of excitement this weekend on their qualifying expedition.
Next week we’re looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students for their Induction Days. There has been lots of preparation for this moment with Mrs. Donnelly, Mrs. Town and Mrs. Leeming visiting more than 35 primary schools. We’ll have the opportunity to speak with parents, carers and students on Monday evening before students will visit us for their three Induction Days from Wednesday to Friday. This is always a really exciting time as we welcome new students into our school community, looking forward to seeing the contributions that they will make.

Thank you for your contributions for the tombola and, in advance, to the Friends of Boroughbridge High School for running it at the Summer Fete on Sunday. We’d love to see you there and, if you’re able to help out for an hour, please e-mail
There’s still time to complete our Parent/Carer survey to give your feedback about your child’s current experience of school. There are 14 multi-choice questions with a further two where you have the opportunity to leave longer comments. Thank you for the responses that we’ve received so far.
We’ve currently got vacancies for General Teaching Assistants. If you’re interested in the role then you can find out more at
A date for your diary! It’s the Summer Concert on Tuesday 9th July at 6p.m. in the Main Hall. All are welcome. Whilst there will be no charge, any donations would be appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend!