‘Squeaky pop’ was the sound coming from Year 7 Science classrooms at the beginning of the week as our young scientists explored the technique used to test for the presence of hydrogen, which is both colourless and odourless. When you have hydrogen gas trapped in a container, you can place a lit splint near it to make the characteristic ‘squeaky pop’ sound as it reacts with the flame. Later in the week the Year 7 scientists were grappling with word equations.
In Art, following on from portraits earlier in the year, Year 7 artists were working on their Jackson Pollock pieces with paint being strategically splattered. The next topic in the Art curriculum will find students exploring the work of Georgia O’Keeffe and designing their own flower in a similar style.
On a religious theme, Year 7 Historians were looking at Medieval religion and using their independent research and analytical skills to explore a range of enquiry questions. Down the corridor in RE, having been inspired by a Frank Turner rock anthem, students were exploring the question ‘Would the world be better without religion?’. Differing opinions promoted lively debate.
Fast forward a few years and Progress Exams are now well underway for students in Years 10 and 11. The good news is that by this time next week they will all be over. The timing of these exams is to ensure that students have time to reflect on what went well and what they need to do to improve before having a well earned break over the Christmas holidays. Teachers use these exams to inform their teaching and plan interventions to ensure that students develop their understanding and skills in the months leading up to the Summer exams.
Events next week include Year 13 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday and, on the same evening in town for late night shopping, there will be musical performances from BHS students from 5.30pm onwards. Other dates for your diary include the Christmas Cracker Concert from 6.30-8.30pm on Thursday 12th December, the Christmas Drama Show from 6.30pm on Wednesday 18th December and Awards Evening on Thursday 19th December at 7pm.
It’s our Christmas Fair tomorrow from 10am to midday. Along with many Christmas stalls, there will also be the opportunity to win impressive raffle prizes including an iPad mini, a bay tree donated by Johnsons of Whixley, a Black Sheep brewery tour, designer handbags and much more. Thank you for the many parental contributions that we’ve received for hampers. You can see a selection of hamper prizes below.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Christmas Fair and have a lovely weekend!