Careers at Boroughbridge High School
Boroughbridge High School is committed to providing all our students with a comprehensive Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme, using the Careers Development Institute (CDI) Framework and the 8 Gatsby benchmarks, in line with the Department of Education (DfE) guidelines.
Our careers programme is reviewed annually in line with the statutory guidelines issued by the DfE to ensure we deliver up-to-date information.
Our aim is to inspire students to chase and achieve their dreams, and to ensure that individuals’ personal aspirations are the most important factor in any activity.
The objectives of our programme are to:-
- Help our students progress
- Empower students to plan and manage their own futures
- Respond to the needs of each student
- Support students’ aspirations and help them to see the full range of opportunities available to them
- Help students develop and identify their employability skills
- Provide comprehensive information and advice & guidance
- Promote equality of opportunity and challenge stereotypes
- Ensure that all students have the knowledge and understanding required to choose between learning options when planning for their future
The Careers Team work hard to ensure that all our students receive high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance, and this is especially true for our vulnerable and disadvantaged students.
The Careers Programme is delivered through PSHCE lessons, tutor time and bespoke events and activities throughout the calendar year (such as a range of visiting speakers representing employers, training providers, FE colleges and Universities. Also, special events – Options evenings, Careers Fairs, Meet the Employer events, STEM activities etc).
Contact the Careers Advisor
Mrs Morgan can be found in the careers room. She is in school one day a week – currently Wednesday.
To book an appointment speak to Mrs Town – Career Lead who will know when Mrs Morgan’s next free appointment slots are. There may be things you can do before the interview to ensure you get the most out of the meeting with Mrs Morgan – Mrs Town will signpost you to resources that will help you.
You can email the careers advisor at
She can offer advice, help and feedback on:
- Sixth Form
- College
- Apprenticeships
- Higher Education
- Work Experience
- The World of Work and LMI (Labour Market Information).
The Careers Team
Careers Leader – Mrs P Town –
Careers Advisor – Karen Morgan –
(Remember Mrs Morgan works 1 day a week – so give her time to reply).
Link Governor (Careers) Antoinette Stewart
Impact of Our Careers Education and Guidance Programme
The impact of our Careers Education and guidance activities is evaluated by :
- Accurate destination data of our students – NEET consistently below the national average and lower than 1%
- Producing students who are confident to explore all options available and identify the best pathway for them based on their attainment and ambition.
- Producing young people who are equipped with the knowledge as how, when and where to seek guidance in a fluid local and global market.
- Compass Evaluations and measures against the Gatsby Benchmarks
- Evaluation work with our students, employers, local sixth forms, local colleges and employers about the effectiveness of our programme.
We know we have been successful when we have continued positive outcomes for all out students Post 16 in a varied range of destinations. Post 16 destinations include local Sixth Form Schools, Colleges, Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Provider Access BHS Careers Programme
Careers provision at Boroughbridge High School is linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks for good practice and the Career Development Framework (CDI – Career Development Institute
The Gatsby Benchmarks are:
- a stable career programme
- learning from career and labour market information
- addressing the needs of each pupil
- linking curriculum learning to careers
- encounters with employers and employees
- experiences of workplaces
- encounters with further and higher education
- personal guidance
The Careers Development Framework
The CDI’s Career Development Framework describes the six career development skills that people need to have positive careers.
These six skills are the learning areas that career development programmes and interventions should focus on. When you are supporting someone with their career you should ask yourself, how can I help them to grow throughout life, explore possibilities, manage career, create opportunities, balance life and work and see the big picture. Each career development activity might develop a different skill, but ultimately individuals need to engage with all of these learning areas.
Grow throughout life – by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background, and your strengths
Explore Possibilities – Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and the culture of different workplaces.
Manage Career – Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks.
Create Opportunities – Create Opportunities and learn from setbacks
Balance Life and work – Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community
See the big picture – See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career.