The week started well with our second phase of tree planting. Mr. Woodward reports,
240 more saplings have been planted this spring to add to the hundreds that students put in the ground last November. Elder, Downy Birch, Rowan, Blackthorn, Holly, Dog Rose, Hawthorn, Hazel and Crab Apple have been added to the Boroughbridge High School Woodland, an area already teeming with flora and fauna. Thanks to Kowenna, Larissa, Ruby, Freya, Oliver, Tyler, Millie, Summer and Alice for their hard work in making our little patch of Yorkshire even more biodiverse and naturally beautiful!
There was a buzz around Options Evening on Wednesday. Looking forward to personalising their curriculum further, Year 9 students and their parents and carers heard about our broad, aspirational curriculum before getting an update from core subjects on their progress and talking to subject teachers about the option subjects to inform their choices. The Google Form is now open and the deadline for returns in Tuesday 19th March.
We’ve had a range of assemblies this week from raising aspirations and revision to reinforcing expectations with Year 7 having daily assemblies so that we’ve been able to revisit a different aspect of our expectations every day.
Progress exams have continued this week for Years 10 and 11 with Year 8 Exam week next week and Year 7 the week after the Easter break.

This year, with Year 9 girls, we’re participating in the Barclays Game On – GO Lead programme which empowers girls with the tools and training to become girls’ football activators to design, create, and deliver football activities to their peers to engage a wider group of girls. There was great excitement this week when their kit arrived!
We had an excellent day on Thursday for our Professional Development Day, hosted by our Federation partner, King James’s School in Knaresborough. In the morning we focused on ‘Engagement in the classroom’ which links with our Learning Phases and then, in the afternoon, we focused on Behaviour for Learning, looking at our next steps following our most recent Behaviour Hub input.
BHS Big Quiz Night organised by the Friends of Boroughbridge High School was a great success last week, raising a total of £578.50. Thank you to those who attended, ate curry, bought raffle tickets and enjoyed the eclectic mix of quiz questions.
A reminder that it’s the Musical Showcase next week.
We’ve raised £258 today for Comic Relief from your kind donations for our non-uniform day. Thank you for your support.
This weekend, it’s our Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice expedition so we’re hoping for fine weather and send our best wishes to our students, their teachers and our volunteers. I hope that you have a lovely weekend too!