Headteacher’s Blog – 21st June 2024

Oh what a night! Celebration has been in the air as we’ve reached the end of the GCSE and BTEC exams this week. To mark the end of their time at Boroughbridge High School, in usual tradition, we had the Year 11 Prom at The Bridge Inn last night. An eclectic range of transport was used to arrive and, after recent dubious Summer weather, the sun finally started shining. It was a family event as parents and carers came to see students arrive and many group photos were taken. It was an all-round fantastic evening with everyone thoroughly enjoying spending some quality time together. Our thanks go to our Year 11 students who have made a hugely positive contribution to our school community, playing an important part in our school improvement journey and acting as positive role models to younger students. We wish them every success and will look forward to welcoming them back into school for their results in August.

Year 10 had been showing their commitment earlier in the day by arriving in smart business dress ready for their annual careers networking event. It was a very productive and successful day with Mrs. Town reporting, ‘Yesterday, all year 10 students were involved in our annual careers day where we welcomed 11 local and national employers into school. As they begin to consider their post-16 pathways, students were able to find out about a range of different careers and interview the employers before learning more about the world of work, interview skills and CV writing. The students were a credit to the school and many of the employers commented on how mature their questioning had been. We would like to thank the employers who came in and, in particular, our Enterprise Adviser, Mrs Lorraine Kirbitson for organising this great event.’

Earlier in the week, Year 8 had been putting their Geography skills to the test in a field trip to Whitby. Mrs. Gomersal reports, ‘Year 8 visited sunny Whitby on Wednesday in order to carry out Geography fieldwork. The purpose of the trip was to collect primary data in order to help investigate whether Whitby should be protected against coastal erosion. Students carried out various different data collection methods including a land use map, bi-polar surveys of coastal management and a field-sketch of the striking East Cliff of Whitby. The sun shone and students enthusiastically completed their work in this beautiful coastal location. It was a first trip to Whitby for the Geography department but one that we definitely wish to continue to run, providing the glorious weather can be repeated again next year!  What a treat!’

Ms. Camy reports that the last Science club of the year went out with a bang as students watched the screaming jelly baby experiment.

We also received the certificate this week showing that our students, for their Duke of Edinburgh Award, have spent 221 hours volunteering – an impressive amount!


A reminder that there’s a link, in the Headteacher’s Update sent out yesterday, to the Parent/Carer View questionnaire. We’d really appreciate your feedback so that we can evaluate the progress that we’ve made and to inform our planning for next year. Replies by Monday 1st July would be appreciated.

And so we look forward to starting our new academic year and new timetable on Monday (24th).

Have a lovely weekend!