Headteacher’s Blog – 13th September 2024

Thank you to the parents and carers who’ve been able to attend our Expectations Evenings this week. It’s been great to have the opportunity to meet and talk through our vision and values, along with sharing the systems and routines that we have in place to ensure that everyone is safe, happy and successful. We’ve appreciated the questions that have been asked and the points raised. Your feedback will continue to shape our future plans. We’ll send out a copy of the information at the beginning of next week.

Our congratulations go to April, Matthew, Emily, Antonio, Oliver, Olivia and Alice in Year 9 who won 2nd place in the IGD Employability competition with the prize of an invitation to a Winners Event to be held at Arla Foods. As Team Bamberries they pitched an idea of using bamboo packaging with hydro-pods as an alternative to plastic. Feedback to the group from the judges was ‘ Brilliantly pitched. You told a compelling story, used lots of great vocabulary, and it was engaging to listen to.’  Well done to all.

Preparations for Open Evening are underway. This year it’s on Wednesday 9th October. As usual, we’ll be closing at 1.30p.m. to prepare and we will look forward to welcoming back many students to talk to Year 5 and 6 students and their parents and carers about their experience of Boroughbridge High School.

Mrs. Murphy has been talking to Years 9, 10 and 11 about the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. We had great success last year with students taking part in both the Bronze and Silver Award. Parents and carers have the opportunity to find out more at the meeting at 5.30p.m. on Monday 16th September.

A reminder that the NHS Wellbeing in Mind Team are running a webinar ‘Supporting Your Child to Return to School’ which will provide you with practical ideas and strategies. It’s on Monday 23rd September, 6-7p.m. The link has been sent to you on Parent Mail.

Have a lovely weekend.