Despite the mixed weather over half term, students returned sharing stories of how they’d made the most of their break. They returned with a positive attitude, prepared for the half term ahead and quickly settling back into routine.
We’ve been preparing for World Book Day (6th March) in assemblies with Mr. Grierson talking with students about feedback from young people across the country. The national survey identified the things that young people find most challenging about reading are
- I haven’t found things to read that I like
- I get distracted by other things – like games and screens
- Adults want me to read things I don’t want to
- I’m not a good reader and
- I don’t like to sit still on my own
Some suggested solutions were to create a time of day to look forward to when you read just for fun, maybe at bedtime or first thing in the morning. Find quick and easy reads like comics, poems or blogs. Read while you’re on the go. Listen to an audiobook. There was a reminder from World Book Day that ‘reading comes in many forms, from audiobooks to graphic novels, poetry to comics. It can be solitary or social. And you can read wherever you want!’ You’ll hear more of our event to celebrate World Book Day next week.
Year 9 prepare for the start of the next part of their educational journey next week when they have their Futures week. This includes opportunities to experience new subjects that they may wish to choose as options. During the following week, they’ll have their Parent/Carer evening before making those all important choices.
Students in Years 10 and 11 are preparing for their second series of Progress Exams which start on Friday where they’ll be able to see the progress that they’ve made since the first series before Christmas. We wish them well.
You can now purchase your tickets for the Friends of Boroughbridge High School Quiz and chilli night on Friday 21st March at 7p.m. The website link for booking tickets is
You’ll need to create an account with PTA events and when you go to the ticket page remember to add a quantity for the tickets even if it is just 1 ticket – it’s not very clear sometimes! Thank you in advance for your support.
Next week we have our Parent/Carer information evening which has a focus on Wellbeing and supporting students with exams. This will be particularly relevant to parents and carers of students in Years 10 and 11. It takes place at 6p.m. on Thursday 6th March. Please e-mail if you wish to attend.
Have a lovely weekend!