Keystage 4 Destinations
Education | 86% |
Apprenticeship | 7% |
Employment | 3% |
Unconfirmed | 4% |
85% of students have chosen to remain in education. Of this 85% 33% are following vocational courses and the rest or studying A Levels.
Keystage 5 Destinations
University | 79% |
Employment | 7% |
Gap Year | 14% |
79% of students have chosen to continue in education and go to university. Further details below.
University Destinations
Name of University |
University of Lincoln |
Northumbria University |
University of Bristol |
York St John University |
Leeds Beckett University |
University of Manchester |
University of York |
Newcastle University |
The Northern School of Art |
Teesside University, Middlesbrough |
University of Kent |
University Courses
Course Details |
Zoology |
Building Surveying |
Engineering Mathematics |
Children, Young People and Society |
Law |
Medicine |
Geography |
Film and Television Production |
Computer Science |
Psychology |
Digital Design and Advertising |
Environmental Science |
Civil Engineering |
Classical and Archaeological Studies |
Sociology |
History |
Pharmacy |