Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and best wishes for a happy and fulfilling 2020. New starts and resolutions have been the focus of assembles this week with Mr Grierson asking students to make the most of the 55 school days leading up to the Easter break. With the majority of New Year’s resolutions discarded by 12th January, students were invited to think about something manageable that they could change that would make a difference to them in the coming weeks. They’ve written this in their planner and we’ll see how they get on.
In Year 11 Assembly this morning, we zoomed forward to Thursday August 20th when students will receive their GCSE/BTEC results. Students were given an envelope and inside was a certificate showing the grades that they will receive if they get the same grades as for their Progress exams. Whether students were delighted or dismayed (more of the former than the latter!), they now have the feedback that they need to secure success in the Summer. Year 10 also received their results as they’ll be sitting two of their Option subjects in the Summer.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you and Year 11 students to the Sixth Form Information Evening on Wednesday from 6.30pm to 8pm where you can find out more about our Post-16 offer. As you’re aware, we collaborate with King James’s School in Knaresborough at Post-16 which enables us to give students the advantages of being in a small Sixth Form whilst providing the opportunities of being within a larger collaboration. You can also pick up a copy of the Prospectus on the evening but if you’d like to have a look in advance then you can click on the link on the front page of our website.
Year 13 have a busy weekend and week ahead too with Progress exams for them beginning on Monday.
Moved by the plight of animals affected by the Australian bushfires, Year 8 students decided to help by holding a bake sale at break and lunch today, raising an impressive total of more than £130 for WIRES, the Australian wildlife rescue organisation. Well done.

Have a lovely weekend!