Following on from the annual Service Children’s Remembrance Service at Ripon Cathedral on Friday where Deborah had the honour of being the standard bearer for the Royal British Legion’s Military Kids Club, on Sunday, Bertie and Ruby represented the school at the Remembrance Service before laying the wreath at the war memorial. On such an important occasion it was lovely to see how many Boroughbridge High School students are actively involved in community groups.

Whilst we were observing the two minutes’ silence at school on Monday, the Year 10 History Club were doing the same at the Green Howards Museum in Richmond. Having made a poster about Archie White, who was awarded the Victoria Cross Medal during the First World War, they were invited to spend the two minutes silence with students from other local secondary schools and members of the Armed Forces. They were then presented with a banner of their poster which we will display in school. You can see it behind the students in the photo.

Results from last week’s cross country, Harrogate and Craven area, show that we’ve made a pleasing start with Year 7 girls coming 9th out of 16, with Martha taking 5th place. Meanwhile Year 7 boys came 10th out of 16 with Year 8 coming 8th out of 16. We’ll look forward to the next event.
As progress exams are rapidly approaching (25th November to 6th December), Years 10 and 11 have had assembly input on revision along with their own personal copy of their exam timetable. You can see the timetable on the website at
Thinking even further ahead, Year 11 have been visiting the Sixth Form during tutor time to speak to Year 12 about their experience of moving into Post-16 education and to pick up some advice about being successful at GCSE. Year 12 are in a good position to advise, of course, having secured an ‘above average’ Progress 8 score last year themselves. See A date for your diary – our Sixth Form Open Evening will be on Wednesday 15th January 2020, 6.30-8pm.
We’ve been doing our bit for Children in Need over the last week or so with activities organised by our Student Leaders which include a Dodgeball tournament and cake competition, ending with our non-uniform day today. We’ve raised £386.26, so far.
Thank to those parents who came to the Parents’ Forum. Your feedback, as ever, is welcomed. Events next week include Year 8 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday (20th) and some of our students will be performing at the Christmas Gift and Food Fair in Ripon Cathedral on Saturday 23rd November. Following the Year 7 Parents’ Evening a couple of weeks ago, you can see the full feedback from Year 7 Parents’ Evening at:
Finally, a further reminder that Wednesday 27th November is a Professional Development Day when school is not open for students.
Have a lovely weekend!