Our congratulations go to Henry, Izzy, Lucie, Phoebe and Theo who completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifying Expedition last weekend. Dealing with changeable weather, they worked brilliantly as a team to follow their planned route exploring the Nidderdale AONB. Their Assessor commented on how impressive they were in their kit choices, campcraft at How Stean Gorge and keeping group spirits high throughout. The group were also sought out for guidance overnight by another school’s Bronze team!

On Wednesday evening we welcomed Year 7 and their parents to the Meet the Tutor evening. We’re delighted with the way in which Year 7 have settled into our school community and with the difference that they’re already making. It seems that parents think this too with 100 % of parents agreeing that their child has settled in well. (With 79% strongly agreeing!)
In sporting news, the week began with two netball matches. The Year 7 team, who are being coached by Hannah in Year 12, secured their second victory with an 8-2 score. Meanwhile Year 10, whilst not victorious, had an excellent match with a final score of 3-10. Year 9 footballers were back on the pitch on Thursday afternoon, securing a 5-0 victory. Still got it!
As the sun rose through the mist on Thursday morning, Year 10 and 11 Geographers were setting off for a day of coastal excitement at Hornsea. They measured, recorded, theorised and developed their fieldwork skills with enthusiasm. There were also stories of a seagull rescue but I suspect this may be a fieldwork myth!
Showing their support for others, last Friday Ellie and Lily (Year 11) had a cake sale, making everything themselves, to raise money for Leeds Mind charity. This week, the Sixth Form have taken up this challenge by organising a Cake Break Friday for staff and Sixth Form as part of their strategy to raise money for the Ripon and Knaresborough food banks and homeless shelter with support from the local Lions Charity and Social Services. At lunchtime today Abi, Rachel and Rhianna had their cake sale to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society.
And so, as this half term comes to end, I’d like to thank you for your ongoing support. Have a lovely half term break.