Year 8 have been travelling the world in Food Technology by creating international cuisine from onion bhajis to spring rolls. I hear that filo pastry folding takes some skill. Following on with the travel theme, in English, Year 7 have been completing travel writing using various foods to help them imagine they’re in a different location.
Tasting of another kind has been embraced by Year 11 students on their Post-16 Taster Days at both King James’s School on Wednesday and BHS on Friday. Engaging in a wide range of subjects and lessons at both sites, students have now gained the information to help them make decisions in the coming months.
As February is UK LGBT+ History month, in assemblies this week, Mrs Godsell-Wright took on this theme sharing the message that labels aren’t important but people are, with a reminder that we should celebrate our individuality.
Thanks to Year 7 parents for attending Parents’ Evening on Wednesday. It was great to recognise the progress that students have made over the last few months. During the evening, the English Team shared some Year 7 reading suggestions to encourage students to widen their reading. If you’d like to see how many of the recommended books you and your children have read then you can find the resource here.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Year 9 Football team played their quarter final in the ESFA Small Schools Cup. The team played with great energy and determination but, despite the very impressive goal with a cross from Will which was headed in by Matt, the final score was a 4-1 defeat. We’re proud of the fact that we were the final state school left in the competition and will look forward to getting involved next year. Meanwhile Year 7 basketballers held a draw in their match against Thirsk School on Thursday.
Key Stage 4 students have had Travel and Tourism and Health and Social Care exams this week. There are, of course, more to come. Next week GCSE Musicians will be visiting Cundall Manor to hear the classical set work, performed live and analysed with live illustration. Year 9 have their exams next week.
Finally, a reminder that we’ve circulated information about a federation proposal between Boroughbridge High School and King James’s School which can also be found on the front page of the website. The consultation runs until Monday 15th March.
Have a lovely weekend!