Headteachers Blog – 30/09/2022

Headteacher’s Blog – 30th September 2022

Making the most of the great outdoors were the GCSE Geographers who took on the Holderness Coast on Monday visiting Hornsea. Mrs. Bauwens reports ‘The GCSE geographers visited the east coast on Monday in order to study how coastal erosion is being managed. The day started clear and there were amazing views of the soft cliffs slumping into the bay to the south of Hornsea. Despite challenging weather later in the day, the group persevered and collected data (albeit on soggy paper!) to help them answer the question ‘Is hard engineering controlling longshore drift at Hornsea?’ in lessons.

Leeds was the destination for students across the year groups on Tuesday. Mr. Field reports, ‘Pupils enjoyed their mountain bike adventure at Leeds Urban Bike Park this week after the extreme heat postponement.  The pupils received coaching from Liam who is a professional BMX rider pushing to represent Ireland at the future Olympics, they were taken through some basic bike handling skills before taking on some of the challenging terrain at the park.  Within a short space of time the pupils’ confidence and ability had grown and they took on the park features with aplomb.  The session culminated in the pupils tackling the BMX track section of the bike park, this proved to be an exhilarating end to the session with each pupil challenging themselves by taking on various sections of the track.  The trip ended with lots of smiles and lots of desire to head back to the bike park in the very near future.’

Coming up for students in Years 8 and 9 on Friday 14th October is a ‘Restart a Heart’ session led by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. We’ll let you know how they get on.

Today the School Council have been fundraising by having a Macmillan Coffee morning raising an amazing total of £250.56.

In assemblies this week, we’ve been celebrating European Day of Languages with amazing facts such as ‘More than half of Europe is Bilingual’ and ‘French was the official language of England for over 300 years (between the Norman victory at the Battle of Hastings (1066) and the end of the 14th century).’ You can find out more at https://edl.ecml.at/

So, with that in mind……Bon week-end!

Headteachers Blog – Sept 23rd 2022

Headteacher’s Blog – 23rd September 2022
As GCSE and BTEC options started in June, with the new timetable, they’re now well underway with students developing and building upon knowledge at a rapid rate.

In Food theory lessons, students have been exploring the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients whilst in practical lessons they have been developing their practical skills by making lasagne, homemade custard, cheese sauces and cheesecake. Hopefully, some of it made it home for tea!

Health and Social Care students have completed their draft of their first assignment/coursework piece entitled “How Life Affects Us” where they have chosen a person and written about their stages and developments in their lives. They’ve selected some interesting subjects such as Ozzy Osbourne, Ariana Grande and Lady Diana.

In Geography GCSE lessons students have been exploring the urban environment of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. They’ve been looking at the challenges and opportunities of living in this vibrant city and in particular how we can improve life for people living in the slums. They’ve got an exciting fieldtrip to look forward to next week but to a location closer to home!
Up in RE, students have been studying the ways in which Sikhism promotes equality and the Christian concept of God whilst in DT, students are working on Non-exam assessment content in preparation for their long assessment. They’ve looked at the theory associated with research and analysis to help with this. They are currently recapping drawing techniques.
In the Business world students have been exploring external influences on business, looking at how the economy and, in particular, interest rates and employment affect businesses. A definite topic of the time! In Computer Science, students are looking at the topic of computers from how the CPU works to types of secondary storage and software.

In French, students have been expressing their opinions on family and marriage as well as consolidating key grammatical concepts in the present and past tenses.

In GCSE Art students have been working on developing their skills in drawing & painting working with watercolours, acrylics, mixed media collages and lino printing.

In other news, the Scholastics Book Fair which has been held on Thursday and Friday has generated a great deal of interest with students buying their next good read.

We’re also thinking ahead to Year 5 and 6 Open Evening which we’ll be holding at school on Wednesday 12th October from 6 until 8.30pm. In order to prepare for the event, we’ll be closing school at 1.30pm. We’ll be looking forward to students coming back for the evening to show just what makes Boroughbridge High School a great place to be.

As part of the Open Evening, Miss Whiles is hoping with her classes to produce a local history display. Students are going to include the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Boroughbridge, the 40 year anniversary of the school and possibly some Archie White information. Student helpers will be working on the research for this as part of our Open Evening activities and you should have received the letter asking you to share your stories, memories and photos of the town and school if you attended. Please help if you can!

With best wishes for a lovely weekend!


Headteachers Blog 16th September 2022

Headteacher’s Blog – 16th September 2022

On Tuesday when it was a sunny morning with an autumnal nip in the air, Year 8 embarked upon their Humanities visit to Helmsley. Playing an integral part of their studies of England in medieval times they visited Helmsley Castle and Rievaulx Abbey whilst also carrying out Geography fieldwork in the centre of Helmsley enabling students to put their knowledge and skills into practice. As you can see, they had an excellent day and Miss Whiles commented, ‘The students were an absolute pleasure to be with. All listened to and followed staff instructions, were respectful to members of the public and engaged really well with the activities at each site. I am really proud of each and every one of them, they were a real credit to Boroughbridge High School.’

Fun and fundraising was at the fore for three of our Year 10 students, Nathan, Madison and Joe who took part in the York Pretty Mudder 5K last weekend, raising over £300 for charity. Very well done to them all.


We’ve had Expectations Evenings this week. Thank you to those Parents and Carers who were able to attend. It was great to be able to meet Face to Face, to share more about what we’re doing and developing at school and to hear your feedback and suggestions. Summaries will be sent out next week.

We will be holding a Scholastics Book Fair on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd September in the school library. The book fair will be open 1-1.30pm and 3.45-4.15pm for students to browse and purchase any books that they would like. Parents and carers are welcome to call in to the after-school session too.

Following the very sad news last week of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II, bells rang out across the country at noon on Friday. Alice, in Year 7, had the great honour of being part of the team who rang the bells at Ripon Cathedral. Alice practises weekly and was immensely proud to be part of such a special and important event. As a school we have recognised the remarkable dedication that HM Queen Elizabeth II has shown in her role for more than 70 years by talking with students about her legacy and celebrating her extraordinary life. School will be closed for the Bank Holiday for her State Funeral on Monday 19th September.

Take care.


Headteacher’s Blog 9th September 2022

Whilst I was finishing the Blog yesterday evening, the very sad news that Queen Elizabeth II had died was announced. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family as we begin this period of national mourning. To pay our respects, flowers were laid at Balmoral this morning on behalf of the Boroughbridge High School community.

We’ve had an excellent start to the Autumn Term with all students returning to school on Tuesday. We welcomed our new Year 7 students who are settling in really quickly and getting fully engaged in the demands of life at secondary school. So, let’s see what they’ve been doing.

In RE Year 7 students have jumped in at the deep end with a study of Nietzsche’s idea that “God is Dead” which will form the basis of a unit on philosophical arguments for and against God’s existence.

The History department has been very impressed with the start they’ve made by diving straight into creating timelines of early settlers to Britain, defining raiders and traders and decided which groups fit these definitions and why there were differing needs for different approaches to conquering new lands. Miss Whiles says that ‘Students have approached this with maturity and worked well in pairs to draw some sophisticated conclusions.’

In Geography students have been studying the difference between human and physical geographical features of the UK. Mrs. Bauwens says ‘They have been very enthusiastic in learning how to use an Atlas to find places on a map – some of them are very quick’.

In Science, they have been learning about the properties of solids, liquid and gases and in Art, students have been learning about Colour Theory and creating, as you can see, interesting 3-D colour wheels, working together in small groups.

In English, Mr. Cockerill says, ‘I’ve seen some brilliant creative writing inspired by Philip Pullman’s book Clockwork. A brilliant start!’

Form Tutors have also had a good week getting to know their new form class. Mrs. Knock says ‘7PK have started to get to know each other through some form-time activities and they have already been asked to consider ideas for the Christmas door competition. Only half the class got lost on the first day which I think is good going!’

Mrs. Hunter says, ‘7CH have impressed me with how well they seem to be getting along with each other and looking out for one another’ and Mr. Cockerill says, ‘It has been great to welcome the students and to see how enthusiastic and well prepared they have been this week.’

Mrs. MacAdam and Mrs. Gomersal are impressed with their form (7MG) and have enjoyed reading the feedback which students have given then about their first week. You won’t be surprised to hear that new lessons and lunchtimes feature as being favourite aspects of Boroughbridge High School!

Mr Scott says that 7AS are settling in well and quickly getting used to all of the new information and new routines.

In assemblies this week, I’ve been welcoming students back to the new term and sharing the successes of the exam results in the Summer before focusing on school standards to ensure that everyone in our school community is safe, happy and successful.

We’ve also welcomed new staff to the school. Mrs. Hirst has joined the pastoral team as Pastoral Manager for Year 8. Mrs. Clark has joined the Admin Team, Mr. Cook has joined the Learning Support Team and Mr. Roche and Mrs. Murphy have joined the Maths Team.

I’m looking forward to seeing you at the Expectations Evenings for Parents and Carers of students in Years 8 to 11 next week. If you haven’t yet had time to confirm your attendance then please e-mail schooladmin@boroughbridgehigh.com

Take care.

Blog: 22nd July 2022

And so there’s been another first for Boroughbridge High School this week as we’ve proved that we can cope with a heatwave! The relaxed uniform has certainly helped and everyone has worked together to keep our school community safe. Thank you for your support with this.

With the Summer holiday almost upon us, Mrs. Godsell-Wright has focused on safety in assemblies this week, following on from the information shared with students earlier in the term and during PSHCE lessons. In particular the focus was on Safety around Water. You can find out more at



Online safety was also addressed with students being given top tips about how to ensure they stay safe when using social media.

 Year 8 assembly this week also included a presentation from Mrs. Bauwens to the winners of the Geography in a Box competition. As the name implies, students had to create a model (in a box) of something geographical that interested them. Entries included volcanoes, geysers, 3D- maps, waterfalls, meanders, landslides and a water cycle to name but a few. The quality was so high that it was impossible to have an overall winner so the winning three were George, Neve and Annabelle with runners up Freya, Beth, Will and Joe. Congratulations to all!

This morning, for the first time since December 2019, we’ve had a whole school assembly, bringing together all staff and students to celebrate the achievements of the 2021-2022 academic year. The event began with live music and then, following our usual photo celebration, students were presented with certificates from Departments to recognise the good progress that they’ve made and how they have demonstrated an excellent attitude towards the subject or to extra-curricular life. Sporting awards followed and then came the moment that we’ve been waiting for since our superb Sports Day last Friday – the big reveal of the winners. Here they are, 8SF, 9LJ, 10JF and 11CL. The finale was a whole school rendition of YMCA! All in all, an excellent way to end the Summer Term.

Today we said farewell to Mr. Inglis (Science), Mrs Johnson (Maths), Mrs. Langford (Pastoral Manager and History/English teacher), Mrs. Price (Maths) and Dr. Roberts (Science). We thank them for the massive contribution that they’ve made to Boroughbridge High School and wish them well for the future.

With thanks to you for your support throughout the year, all of the Boroughbridge High School staff team wish you and your families a very happy Summer break!

Blog: 15th July 2022

There was magic in the air on Monday when we welcomed 45 Year 5 students and their teachers into school for the return of our ever popular Harry Potter Day. Mrs. Town reports that ‘The students immersed themselves in a magical Hogwarts experience where they took part in workshops that saw them making magic potions in Science, wands in DT, spells in RE, writing about their Hogwart adventures in English and fine tuning their wand skills in Drama. Everyone agreed how much they had enjoyed the day and the Year 9’s who volunteered to help were a credit to the school. We look forward to welcoming more Year 5 students next year for a range of activities.’

Tuesday and Wednesday saw the return of Geography fieldtrips. Mrs Bauwens says ‘The GCSE geographers had beautiful weather for their fieldwork this week when they visited Leeds – something we are not normally used to!  Pupils collected information at four different areas of the city in order to study inequalities in housing in an urban area.  We finished the day near the Royal Armouries Museum looking at how the waterfront area has been redeveloped.  Back in class we will use this data to complete a fieldwork project.  There was a great deal of hard work which was also recognised by members of the public.’

On Thursday 57 girls went to Dalby Forest for the inaugural Girls’ Well-being Colour Run. The event, hosted by North Yorkshire Sport, created an excellent opportunity for girls to complete well-being and physical activities with their friends. They heard inspirational talks from leading sportswomen before completing the 2km Colour Run course set within the forest, starting at Adderstone Field, with obstacles and challenges to complete. The theme throughout was enjoyment and, as you can see from the photos, there is no doubt that it was achieved!



Quite obviously, after!


And today has been our long-awaited Sports Day. We’ve been very pleased to have a day where the temperatures have dipped to support an excellent day of track and field events. With all staff and students either participating or supporting we’ve seen some excellent achievements and some excellent efforts. Points have been awarded for places and for taking part and completing an event. So, whilst there may be many predictions of winners, the official announcements will not be made until our whole school assembly next Friday.

You’ll have received the message today about our approach to uniform next week with extreme temperatures forecast for Monday and Tuesday, students can either wear the modified uniform that we’ve had this week, i.e. no blazers and ties or can choose to wear their school P.E. kit. We’ll make sure that students are able to fill their water bottles throughout the day.

A reminder that school closes for the Summer break at 1.30p.m. next Friday (22nd).

Have a lovely weekend!

Blog: 8th July 2022

We’ve had a great time this week, welcoming Year 6 students who will be our new Year 7 in September. It was fantastic to welcome new families, along with those who have older siblings in school, to the very well-attended Parents’ Evening on Monday. It’s been our final day of three transition days today and we’ve been so delighted to have Year 6 students in school, following the last two years where the majority of communication has been virtual. Students have experienced a wide range of subjects, met lots of staff, got to grips with the routines of the school and experienced lunch in the Dining Hall. We’re confident that this will have prepared them well for the start of the Autumn Term in September.

Older students have formed an important part of the three days with Sports Leaders leading PE activities and former Year 11 students accompanying groups as guides. All in all it’s been an incredibly successful week and we’re looking forward to working together in the years to come.

In other news, Mrs. Town reports that ‘Year 11 started their post-16 careers journey on Tuesday. They had an assembly on post-16 routes and options and then took part in a ‘Meet the Employer’ networking event where they interviewed local, national and international employers to find out about a range of different careers and employment sectors. Employers included Reed Boardall, NYCC, Green Tech, The Army, The RAF, Warner Leisure, ISG, Danford Brewer and Ives and Intuitions. Students said they found it very helpful and informative.  If you are an employer and would like to take part in this event or support the school in their careers programme in other ways next year please contact ptown@boroughbridgehigh.com


Also looking to the future this week have been Year 8 Scientists. Mr. Errington reports, “We need to stop using fossil fuels and use renewable energy resources such as wind and solar. This means we need better batteries to store energy so we can use it where and when we need it. Year 8 scientists are working on creating batteries that are efficient and made from materials that are easy to source.”


The Monster Kickabout has taken place at lunchtimes this week with the winners to be announced.

We’ve got much to look forward to next week too. Year 5 students will be joining us on Monday for a Harry Potter day, some students will be going to Snozone on Tuesday whilst GCSE Geographers will be carrying out fieldwork in Leeds. On Thursday, a group will be attending the Girls’ Well-being Colour Run at Dalby Forest and on Friday we will all be involved in our long awaited Sports Day! Mr. Field has taken the opportunity in Assemblies this week to explain how points can be gained, not only from taking a position in an event but, also, by taking part and completing an event. It’s going to be a great whole school event and, as it currently stands, the long range forecast is looking positive!

A reminder from Mrs. Wellock that there are only 3 days left to order from our latest Scholastic Book Club. Just go to https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/boroughbridge-yo51/digital-book-club to browse the latest books and place your order. Every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 20p for our school in Scholastic Rewards.

Good Luck this weekend if you’re putting in an entry to The Aldborough & Boroughbridge Agricultural Show which is on Sunday 24th July at Newby Hall & Gardens. All schedules are currently available at www.boroughbridgeshow.co.uk

Blog: 1st July 2022

So, it’s been ‘Happy New School Year’ at Boroughbridge High School this week with students beginning their new timetables, new classes and new subjects for some. This is already ensuring a high level of focus as we move towards the end of the Summer Term.

Students taking on their new GCSE/BTEC subjects are laying the foundations for a productive year ahead. In History, students have begun with medicine over time, looking first at how beliefs and treatments of disease changed over time before assessing in detail the credibility of the Theory of the Four Humours and Theory of Opposites by Hippocrates and Galen. Students concluded that there is still some merit to these Ancient theories as it is indeed true that something cold is needed to bring down a high temperature.

In DT, students have chosen their Non-Examined Assessment task themes and analysed existing products and in FT, chopping skills have been refined along with tasting protein alternatives. In GCSE Business students have started the course by looking at why businesses are started and the character traits of entrepreneurs whilst in Computer Science, students began their programming journey in Python looking at variables, inputs and data types. Taking a learning risk in Religious Studies, students have jumped in at the deep end, learning Punjabi terminology to describe the Sikh God, Waheguru, before then analysing and evaluating the logical consistency of the claims Sikhs make about this difficult to comprehend being.

In BTEC Travel and Tourism, students were shown to their seats with a Boarding Pass before exploring travel organisations and tour operators. In GCSE French, Mrs. Bailie, says that ‘students have made an enthusiastic start to the course, practising speaking, listening and reading skills as well as reviewing some key grammar points, all in the context of the first topic ‘Family and Relationships’. Over in Health and Social Care, students started to look at the growth and development over the Life Stages. Drawing skills were being developed in Art with Mrs. Hunter commenting on the ‘great, can do attitudes of the class.’

In assemblies this week, new Year 11 heard from Mrs. Morgan, our careers adviser, who updated them on their choices ahead as well as telling them about their Careers Morning next week when they’ll be meeting employers. Other year groups heard about healthy lifestyles and the positive impact that a good diet can have on performance.

Today we’ve had a non-uniform day raising money for in school projects and, at lunchtime, the ‘Big Book Swap’ event took place with students and staff purchasing second hand books either with cash or tokens if they were able to donate books of their own!

Things to look forward to next week include the ‘Monster Kick About’ where students will be able to take part in football activities during lunchtime. The challenges will be as follows,

Wednesday – ‘Tekkers’ Challenge – a timed football freestyle showcase where students will be trying to impress the judges with their skills.

Thursday – Crossbar Challenge – Can students hit the crossbar from set distances?  and

Friday – Penalty ‘Top Bins’ Challenge – How accurate are students with their penalties?  Can they get the ball into the ‘top bins’ / top corner target?

There will be a small entry fee for students to take part in the challenges, £1 per event or £2 for all three challenges.  Money will be equally divided between a charity chosen by Boroughbridge High School Sports leaders and school sports equipment for students to use during lunchtimes.  There will also be prizes for the best boy and girl in each year group that takes part in the challenges.

We’re also really excited to be welcoming our new Year 7 students and their families with a Parent Information Evening on Monday before Induction Days from Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th July.

Have a lovely weekend!

Blog: 24th June 2022

It’s been a week of mixed emotions as Years 13 and 11 have sat their final exams and attended Boroughbridge High School for the final time. On Thursday, following the Science exam, the traditional shirt signing for Year 11 took place with students and teachers writing inspirational, kind or funny messages. Students then went to their Leavers’ Assembly where messages from staff, present and past were played, all reminding students of what they have achieved and wishing them success for the future. (Thanks to Amelia for pulling the video together.) There was then some amusement as photos from Year 7 to 11 were shown, reminding students of how much they’ve grown both physically and emotionally in the last five years. We’re looking forward to celebrating their time at Boroughbridge High School at the Prom this evening.

Year 13 have celebrated the end of their exams with a trip to Snozone this afternoon.

Above all, after the challenges of the last couple of years, Year 13 and Year 11 have shown great resilience in their preparation for the exams and the way in which they have conducted themselves throughout the exam period. We wish the class of 2022 well for the future and will look forward to hearing about their future successes.

As is the nature of school communities, as Year 11 and Year 13 leave we move to our new timetable on Monday and the new school year begins. In assemblies this week, I’ve celebrated with students all that they have achieved in this academic year before reminding them of our school expectations to secure future success. We also talked about learning and building knowledge and, in particular, about the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve which shows that without recapping and retrieving knowledge, after 1 day you will have retained only 33% of the knowledge, after 6 days only 25% and after 31 days only 21%. So, as a school we are using the strategy of retrieval grids to ensure that students retain and then build upon this knowledge. Mr. Errington reports that ‘Following the assembly on Tuesday morning about the science behind how we learn, some of my year 7s wanted to investigate further.  Now that they know how learning works, they went straight back to re-visit the learning they did back in September so that they are in top-form ready for Year 8.  Well done year 7.’

We’re also introducing Curriculum Progression maps so that students have a visual representation of what they’re learning, when and how this builds knowledge and skills over time. I’ll be writing to you soon to give you further details.

Yesterday, the next round of the Harrogate and Craven District Athletics Championships took place at Giggleswick School with 24 of our students competing. There were 8 places available in each event and when asked to summarise our performance Mr. Field exclaimed ‘absolutely brilliant’.  We had five 4th places, eight 3rd places, two 2nd places and one 1st place (James in Year 7 in discus) so, as you’ll have calculated, 11 podium finishes. An impressive performance indeed and against schools much larger than Boroughbridge High School.

Today the Rewards Trip to Flamingo Land has been a great success with students from Years 7 to 10 enjoying both the rides and the zoo. Everyone had a great time and staff were, as always, impressed by the excellent behaviour of students. This is one of the Rewards events that take place across the school year.

Staff and students have been talking today about the fantastic first night of the Grease production at Coronation Hall starring many of our students. Mrs. Macadam reports that ‘The opening show was first class and it is a must see for everyone – you certainly won’t regret it!’ It’s not late to see the production as it continues tonight and tomorrow.  Looking in lessons this week, I thought you might like to see the completed spaghetti measurers which Year 7 have been working on in DT, demonstrating how to combine creativity and technical skill.











Advance notice of The Big Book Swap: 

Mrs. Wellock reports that ‘Students and staff have been donating books over the last few weeks and we are now ready to hold our Big Book Swap. Students should come to the library at lunchtime on Friday 1st July to take part where they can purchase second-hand books with cash (prices from £1 to £3) or use book tokens (if you donated your own books to the swap). We have so many great titles including Ben Davis’ The Private Blog of Joe Cowley, RJ Palacio’s Auggie and Me, and a signed copy of Andy Seed’s The Silly Book of Side-Splitting Stuff.  You can expect to find lots of other books by some of our favourite authors: Malorie Blackman, John Green, Michael Morpurgo, Terry Pratchett and Jacqueline Wilson to name a few. If you still have spare books at home that you’d be happy to donate then it’s not too late to bring them in – please drop them off at the English office to collect your tokens!’

A reminder that new Year 8 and new Year 11 need to bring their PE kit on Monday morning.

Have a lovely weekend!

Blog: 17th June 2022

So, the long-awaited Summer weather is here at last! We’re hoping that it continues as we have a number of exciting events on the horizon next week. Following the success at the semi-finals, on Thursday students will be going to the Craven Athletics Championships at Giggleswick to represent BHS. Meanwhile, Year 11 will be sitting their final exam on Thursday and looking forward to their Leavers’ Assembly and Prom. Year 13 will finish their exams on Friday and are celebrating with a trip to Snozone.











Highlights in lessons this week include Year 7 and 8 Geographers who have been getting crafty. Year 7 have been making models of river basins and Year 8, flip books to show how coastal landforms change over time. In Year 7 Science, students were carrying out reactions with metal carbonates and acid, collecting carbon dioxide and testing this too. An impressive piece of practical work! As you can see, Year 8 have been transforming their human figure drawings into superheroes.

As you receive this Blog, Year 12 are at the Leeds Beckett UCAS Fair following their introduction to post-18 options over at King James’s School today.

In assemblies this week Mr. Grierson, in anticipation of the new timetable, has talked about new beginnings and that the best time to make a change is now.

In RE, Mr Woodward reports that Year 9 have begun their non-examined “Core” RE course with a focus on social justice for their first unit of work. This classwork will lead to them earning certification as part of the AQA accredited Unit Award Scheme. As they move into Year 10 students will work on a number of different units which explore various moral and social issues from a religious and secular perspective. This helps us fulfil our statutory obligation to ensure that all pupils across all key stages are taught high quality Religious Studies whilst also ensuring that students receive certification for their efforts. The course is non-examined and will, when the new time table begins, consist of one hour per fortnightly cycle. All work is completed in class before being moderated and sent off to AQA for accreditation. If parents/carers have any further questions about this part of the curriculum, please contact me via email: swoodward@boroughbridgehigh.com

You’ll have received the Parent/Carer letter today with information about the new timetable, Parents’ Evening and Uniform. Feedback is very welcome.

Have a lovely weekend.