It may only be five days since the half term break but we’ve certainly packed a great deal into them! Year 11 (and Year 10 for Option subjects) have been fully immersed in their second series of Progress Exams. They’re now totally familiar with the rules and regulations of the exam season and have demonstrated a great deal of maturity throughout the week. In order to keep parents and carers fully up to date about their progress, we are going to have an extra Parents’ Evening on Monday 21st March from 4-6.30pm. A letter giving further details was sent to parents/carers today.
Having completed their exams before half term, Year 9 are looking forward to the Options process over the next couple of weeks. Futures week will be launched by Mrs Bloomfield in assembly on Monday. Students will then experience different subjects during taster days on Wednesday and Friday in advance of the Options Evening for parents, carers and students on Monday 14th March at 6pm.
Our congratulations go to students in Years 7, 8 and 9 whose recent Progress data shows impressive improvement in all three areas; Attitude to Learning, Behaviour for Learning and Homework. Look out for the postcard which is being sent to parents and carers of students who have demonstrated consistently high levels of commitment.
Speaking of homework, Mrs Gomersal reports, ‘In Geography, Year 8 students have been learning about plastic pollution and the impact upon the world’s oceans. Students were inspired to create their own ‘Yorkshire souvenirs’ from waste items after learning about the innovative and creative ways that the Kenyan company ‘Ocean Sole’ are recycling one million flip flops per year. This drive to become more sustainable and increase our awareness of the fragile planet that we live on, prompted students to design and construct their own souvenirs for homework.’

We marked World Book Day (Thursday 3rd March) with a series of assemblies led by Mr Cockerill, Mrs Wellock and MrGrierson. They included a range of themes from childhood books, celebrities’ favourite books and books which have previously been banned, all culminating in helping students to understand the power of the written word. Also, Mrs Wellock reports ‘Year 7 book club students really enjoyed watching the author Emma Carroll’s live webinar this morning. She discussed her latest book, The Week at World’s End, as well as offering some great tips about the drafting and writing process.’

In Sporting news, Mrs Godsell-Wright took the Year 7 and 8 girls for their first football tournament. She reports, ‘The Year 7 and 8 girls were absolutely superb tonight- and a credit to the school. Their behaviour was impeccable and they thanked the organisers of the competition and our driver without being prompted. This is the first time they have competed for school (or played a fixture). We finished 5th out of 7th which is encouraging as we were the smallest school in the tournament!’

In other community news, the Chair of Governors, Malcolm Dawson and I were delighted to attend the Town Council Meeting on Tuesday to talk about our school and answer questions. We’re looking forward to working more closely with the Town Council for the benefit of all in our community.
We’re also looking forward to International Day next Friday (11th March) organised by our Head and Deputy Head students and the Prefect Team. Izzy has sent the following message,
Next Friday we are holding International Day! There will be loads of fun activities throughout the day including quizzes, crafting, themed lessons and a decorate the door competition, aimed at opening our eyes to the world we live in. On the day for a small donation your child can wear colourful socks to celebrate world diversity and there will be a bake sale so they can bring cash on the day to buy international treats. If any of you would like to bake a donation to the sale these can be brought in on Friday morning and handed in at reception. All proceeds from the day will go to the DEC Ukraine appeal through the British Red Cross. So, get ready for a day of international fun!
You can make a donation through Parent Mail.
A reminder that we have a Professional Development Day on Wednesday 16th March when students do not attend school.
Have a lovely weekend!