Year 9 have impressed us this week with their calm, organised and positive approach to their exams. There will be lots of marking now taking place so that students can receive their results along with feedback about what they’ve done well and what they need to do to make further improvements.
It was also great to discuss Year 7 progress with parents and carers on Wednesday evening during our online Parent/Carer evening. I’m well aware that there are mixed views on the online approach to these evenings. I will, similarly to the last two years, in the Summer Term, ask for your opinion about whether or not we should continue with this approach.
In assemblies this week, Mrs. Godsell-Wright has focused on Equality and Diversity celebrating with students the strength that we have as a school and wider community because of the varying experiences, skills and abilities of each and everyone of us. It was also a good opportunity to remind students of the Equality Act including how we all need to act to ensure that we are safe, happy and successful.
We had a visit on Wednesday from our Local Authority Adviser to evaluate our progress against our Ofsted and whole school priorities. I’ll include more detail in my Headteacher Update which will be sent out during the week after half term.
On the same day, some of our Year 11 students went across to King James’s School, our federated partner, for the Sixth Form Induction Day. Responses on their return showed that our students are getting themselves fully prepared for both the months ahead and their longer term futures.
This week Year 7 have been completing their Blockbots project. Mr. Groves and Mrs. Hunter have been impressed with their hard work and their results.

A reminder that the Friends of Boroughbridge are supporting a Boroughbridge High School Quiz Night on Friday 8th March. You’ll be able to purchase tickets after half term on ParentMail or from Reception for £10 each.
Finally, upcoming events include the Parent/Carer Information evening on Thursday 7th March at 6p.m. focusing on Wellbeing and Supporting Students with exams and the Year 9 Parent/Carers Options Evening on Wednesday 13th March at 6p.m.
Have a good weekend and we’ll look forward to welcoming students back into school on Monday 19th February following the half term break.