Keystage 3

Year 7 (3 forms)

Year 7 are placed into 3 Mathematics sets based on ability. English, Science, Geography, History, Religious Education, French, Art, Music and Drama are all taught in 3 mixed ability groups.  Design Technology, ICT and Food Technology are taught in 5 mixed groups. Physical Education is taught in 3 groups. PSHCE is taught in 3 mixed ability groups.

Year 8 (4 forms)

Year 8 are placed into 4 Mathematics and Science sets based on ability. They are taught in 4 mixed ability groups for English, Geography, History, French, Religious Education, Art, Drama and Music. They are also placed into 6 mixed Design Technology, Food Technology, Information Technology and 4 Physical Education groups. PSHCE is taught in 4 mixed ability groups.

Year 9 (4 forms)

Year 9 are placed into 4 Mathematics sets based on ability. They are also put into 4 science sets based on ability. They are taught in mixed ability groups for English, French, Geography, History, Religious Education, Music, Art, Drama, Design Technology, Food Technology and Information Technology. Physical Education is taught in 4 groups. PSHCE is taught in 4 mixed ability groups.