Headteachers Blog – 10th February 2023
Talk is such an important part of learning. Promoting the spoken word can have a huge impact in helping students to understand and voice ideas around complex topics, furthering their chances of progressing their understanding. So what ‘talk’ has been happening in lessons at Boroughbridge High School this week?
Some of the Year 7 Geographers have been discussing the factors which affect microclimate whilst others have just started the topic of earthquakes and have been talking about the devastating impact that the recent earthquake has had on the countries of Turkey and Syria.
In Year 7 French, students have been learning how to change adjectival endings when describing someone’s personality, and using this vocabulary in speaking activities to pay one another compliments whilst, in Food Technology, students discussed fats and oils and how they affect our health if we have too much or too little.
Mrs Macadam reports, ‘Year 7s have been talking (excitedly) about and tasting food from the countries they have blogged about for their travel writing assessment. (Students prepared and shared a colourful array of food types: risotto, pizza, home-made Jewish bagels, Portuguese tarts, milk tart from Cape Town, Greek baklava, American cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies, Moroccan bean stew and cilantro salad, homemade humus, Thai noodles, home-made Irish soda bread, churros and lots and lots more!) They were also very lucky to have a talk from Mr. Barfield on survival food from an Antarctic expedition – and got to taste and give opinions on their findings. It was lots of fun!’

In English, Year 8 students have discussed what makes a great film poster as part of their work on the novel Brother in the Land. In Year 9 Music, good exam technique was discussed as students prepared to take their first listening exam of the mini-option course.
In Maths, Year 10 students have been discussing how simultaneous equations would be used in the world outside of school and what careers you may need to use them in. KS4 Computer Science students have been discussing the future of AI and if it’s a good or bad idea to keep developing AI. In RE, Y10 and Y11 students have been discussing the morality of nuclear weapons, the ethics of peaceful and non-peaceful protest and the multifaceted causes of terrorism. Meanwhile, Year 10 biologists have been discussing how our body responds to a change in the environment. Is it due to the nervous system and a reflex action or is it hormonal control?

Mrs Macadam’s Year 10 have been talking about symbolism, imagery and recurring motifs in Act 2 scene 2 of “Macbeth”; hands were drawn and decorated with symbols and significant quotations were retrieved and explored.
The Year 11s were captivated by our motivational speaker Al Sylvestor MBE, ex RAF and South Pole explorer, with thrilling tales of overcoming adversity, frostbite, never giving up and succeeding against the odds.

He spoke about the qualities needed to succeed in one of the greatest human challenges, to complete a 600 mile walk unaided to the South Pole – hard work, teamwork, honesty, bravery and determination . He enthused and inspired the students to reflect on how they could use those qualities to prepare and succeed in their GCSEs this Summer. Thinking of possible futures some of our Year 11 students went across to King James’s School, Knaresborough for the Sixth Form taster day. Exciting times ahead!

Assemblies this week have focused on ‘ the power of words’.
It was a busy Year 7 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday with lots of positive conversations about excellent progress being made. Thank you for your support with this.

Advance notice that we have a Professional Development Day on Wednesday 15th March when students do not attend school. This will follow the Year 9 Options Evening on Tuesday 14th March.
Have a lovely weekend and half term break!