Headteacher’s Blog – 14th June 2024


Our thanks this week go to the Boroughbridge Lions who have kindly bought three new microscopes for the Science Department. We were delighted to welcome President John Alder to present the microscopes which, as you can see, are already in use.


On Thursday after school, Year 7 enjoyed a Movie Night linked to our reading strategy. Armed with snacks and drinks, students thoroughly enjoyed their viewing of ‘Wonder’. The event also marked the launch of the next Book Club book, ‘White Bird’ by R.J. Palacio.




It’s been action all the way for some of our Year 9 students who have been getting to grips with the great outdoors at Bewerley Park this week. Experiences were varied including gorge walking, sailing and mountain biking. We’ll look forward to hearing about all they’ve achieved when they’re back in school next week.

In Science club, students were dissecting anchovies! They were able find the spine, the stomach and the gills, however, we didn’t think it was a good idea to include photos this time!

We’ve also had a visit from our Local Authority adviser this week with a focus on History, Forest School, Behaviour for Learning and Attendance. It was another positive visit and I’ll share further details in my next Headteacher’s Update.



In assemblies this week, Mr. Grierson and I have been talking with students about our core values which ensure that everyone in our school community is safe, happy and successful. We’re very proud of the progress that we’ve made as a whole school community over the last academic year and, whilst we understand our school values, we’d like to capture them in a few words or phrases. We’d like each and every member of our school community to contribute and so, at the end of each assembly, each student has been asked to write down what, through their lived experience, they consider our core values to be. Staff have also carried out a similar activity and we’ll be looking at all responses as part of our Professional Development Day on 21st June. A reminder that students do not attend school on this day.



Looking further ahead, the Friends of Boroughbridge High School will be holding a tombola at the Summer Fete organised by Boroughbridge Lions and we’d like to ask for your help. Firstly, any tombola prizes would be gratefully received. Alcohol prizes would need to be delivered to reception by parents and carers but all other prizes can be sent with children. Prizes don’t need to be expensive for example, a bar of chocolate, a toy, a book, bubble bath or nail varnish. Secondly, if you and your child are able to volunteer to be at the stall for an hour then please e-mail Foboroughbridgehs@gmail.com stating which hour you’re available between 11a.m. and 4p.m. on Sunday 30th June. Thanks in advance for your support.

Have a lovely weekend!