As advent calendars mark the countdown to Christmas, Tuesday evening saw a festive delight of music and drama with the annual Christmas concert. Parents, carers and students gathered to enjoy the performances of students from Years 7 to 11 including singing, piano, violin, keyboard, guitar, including a couple of performances of the Pop Choir. The drama group performed the hilarious Pantomania where there was an eclectic mix of pantomime characters…..oh

yes there was! All ran smoothly due to the student technical team. It was an absolutely excellent evening all round!
As you’ll be aware, it was Christmas dinner day on Wednesday and it was a great event as students ate heartily, pulled crackers, read out the usual jokes (groaning in response!), before wearing their party hats, some for the rest of the day. Year 9 students James, Stan and Charlie made sure that the Christmas songs kept playing throughout lunchtime and a good time was had by all. Our thanks go to the catering team who served 213 Christmas dinners in total which was no mean feat!
In assemblies this week, Mr. Grierson has been focusing on risk taking, talking with our young people about how teenage brain development means that they are more likely to take risks than older people and how to ensure that they consider their actions to keep themselves safe.
Much has been happening outside of school too. On Monday evening, I was delighted to be invited to speak to the 1322 Club about Boroughbridge High School. It was a privilege to be able to share what happens in school, the curriculum that is taught, how we prepare our students for the future and the contribution that we make to our community before answering questions on a wide range of school and education related topics.
With our commitment to ensure that our students develop the skills and confidence to make an active contribution to the communities to which they belong, we’re always interested to hear of our students’ achievements outside of school. This week, our congratulations go to Amy in Year 11 and her family who were awarded with the Thirsk Auction Christmas Cattle Primestock Show Overall Champion. An amazing achievement!
We had a visit from our Local Authority adviser on Thursday with a focus on Climate for Learning. We visited classrooms, observed assembly and walked around all areas of school. We’re making measurable progress and I’ll share further detail with you in my Headteacher’s Update next week.
Thinking of others, this week, we’ve had a bake sale today and collected food donations to support our local homeless charities. Thank you for your kind donations.
Tutor group competition is at the fore next week as we’re limbering up for the Tug of War next Tuesday and the annual Christmas Door competition which will be judged at the end of the week.
On Thursday evening, we’ll be welcoming back the class of 2023 as Year 11 and Year 13 students will return to collect certificates and receive rewards at our Awards Evening and then, on Friday, we’ll be having our usual whole school assembly to celebrate our achievements and to end the term with festive fun. Students can wear non-uniform with a Christmas theme on Friday and we’ll be raising money for Save the Children. Donations on Parent Mail will be gratefully received. A reminder that school closes for the Christmas break at 1.30p.m. on Friday.
Have a lovely weekend!