We’ve had a fantastic fundraising week for Children in Need. Activities suggested by the Student Council and supported by all have so far have raised a record breaking amount with counting still taking place. On Tuesday and Thursday we had a Hide and Seek game with students hiding all around the school and teachers seeking! After many minutes of fun the eventual winners were discovered with the overall winner, of course, being Children in Need! There was a craft fayre in the Dining Hall and after school with staff and students having made headbands, necklaces, bracelets and much more. Then today to round off the week, as you’ll be well aware, we had our non-uniform day. Thank you for your generous donations. We’ll let you know of the final total next week.
As part of Anti-Bullying week, Mrs. Godsell-Wright has focused on the 2024 theme of ‘Choose respect’. It’s been a great opportunity to revisit and reinforce one of our three core values; being respectful. Assemblies have then concluded with a celebration of students with the most positive points secured during the first half term by year groups, form classes and individual students. We’re very proud of the excellence that our young people are achieving.
On Thursday we had our Year 7 and 11 year group photos. It’s always lovely to see the whole year group together marking the beginning and end of their time at Boroughbridge High School. We’ll look forward to the photos arriving and being able to compare the Year 11 photo with the one taken four years ago!
You may remember that we mentioned the Careers Parent/Carer Information Evening. It’s relevant to all parents and carers and will cover the different post-16 pathways available to students after Year 11, the support available to students through school, the careers advisor and other organisations. The session will also help you support your child with the decision-making process, where to find out information, deadlines and useful contacts. It’s on Thursday 21st November at 6p.m. Please e-mail schooladmin@boroughbridgehigh.com if you would like to attend.
We’re in the third term of our work with the DfE Behaviour Hub and are continuing to visit schools across the area to evaluate our current systems and make further tweaks. This week we’ve visited Sedgefield Community School and Dixons Trinity in Bradford and next week we’ll be visiting Allerton High School in Leeds. We’re really pleased with how we’ve been able to use their support to create our positive behaviour culture, underpinned by our core value of respect, and that we’re now able to focus energy on our core values of being ambitious and resilient.
In Sporting news Mr. Field reports,
‘Another busy week for the pupils and the PE department, 161 pupils have engaged in the extra curricular activities this week – a new record for the department (and over 1/3) of the school cohort).
Two fixtures this week saw the Yr10 boys take on Sherburn High School in the County Cup competition. The boys played some good football in phases and were able to score three goals in the away fixture which is an impressive haul when not on home turf. The fixture escaped the grasp of the Boroughbridge boys and they lost the game 6-3, valuable lessons were taken from the defeat and will be rectified in their District Cup game against Ermysted’s later this term.
The annual small sided tournaments have now started, the Yr9 boys were first up and traveled to St John Fisher School to play. The team needed to be bolstered by the Yr8 boys who performed outstandingly against older, more experienced opposition. They narrowly lost against the host school and Rossett but held the eventual winner, St Aidans, to a well deserved 1-1 thriller. This gave the Yr8 boys a bit more challenge and provided a great learning experience that they can take forward into their match next week against Hurworth in the ESFA Small Schools Trophy.’
A reminder that we have a Professional Development Day on Wednesday 27th November when students do not attend school.

Finally, Alyssa and Libbie were excellent representatives of Boroughbridge High School last Sunday when they attended the Remembrance Service at St. James’ before laying the wreath at the War Memorial.
Have a lovely weekend!