Wednesday was a triumph of a day! The inter form Tug of War competition took place for different year groups throughout the day. Everyone was involved including those participating and those supporting. Mr. Field and Mrs. Bradford had taken on the serious Christmas challenge as you can see and Festive music was played throughout with an occasional moment where all in the year group came as one to sing and dance. Points were awarded for wins and the quality of the support, resulting in an excellent event where our school values of being ambitious, respectful and resilient were seen in action.

At lunchtime on Wednesday, Christmas dinner was served with students also enjoying Christmas music and a celebratory cracker. 176 Christmas lunches in total were served and our thanks go to the catering team.
Finally, in the evening, it was our Awards Evening where we welcomed back the class of 2024. It was lovely to welcome ex-students and families back into school and to see what they’ve been up to since they left in June. Certificates were given out and prizes presented by members of our local community to students for their remarkable achievements.
And so to our whole school assembly this morning. As you’re aware, this has become a Boroughbridge High School tradition where we gather to celebrate our achievements, sharing many photos and awarding many certificates. We also announced the winners of the annual Christmas Door competition which has grown to new competitive heights particularly this year with Dr. Lefley’s form 8CL receiving a specially created award due to the brilliance of the idea and clever execution by all members of the form. There were also awards for Mr. Woodward’s form’s (11SW) BHS Actually door and the Pastoral Team door. Well done to all, it’s been great fun.
As you’ll have seen in the Headteacher’s update, today we’ve said thank you and farewell to Mr. Cockerill, Head of English, who as many of you will know, has been at Boroughbridge High School since 2003, teaching some of you as well as your children. During that time, he has had a number of roles, transforming the English curriculum to engage our young people. We wish him well as he leaves us to take up the post of Director of NATE (National Association for Teaching of English).
We’ve also thanked and said farewell to Miss Davies who teaches Maths and Miss Kelly who, along with teaching English, has led whole school PSHCE and developed the School Council who initiated the great Hide and Seek events. We wish them well as they move on to their new ventures.
Thank you for your support with the Friends of Boroughbridge High School chocolate raffle. £271 was raised which is a fantastic amount. The eight winners will now be enjoying their prizes.
Thank you too to everyone in our school community who has contributed to our reverse advent. We have collected two large boxes of food donations for the local food banks, raising money through cake, chocolate and sweet sales and have purchased a Crisis 9 day place, 2 Salvation Army family packages along with a £60 donation to The Harrogate Homeless Project.
On behalf of the Boroughbridge High School team, I hope that you and your family have a very Happy Christmas and we send our best wishes for 2025. The Spring Term starts on Monday 6th January 2025.