Headteacher’s Blog – 20th September 2024

We’ve now fully settled into the Autumn Term with routines firmly in place. Our ‘Never used, seen or heard’ policy for mobile phones is having a really positive impact with students using social times more effectively to speak with their friends, attend clubs or play games. Thank you for your support with this. Following feedback from staff, students and parents, we’ve made one change which is that students may use mobile phones after the end of the school day outside of the school building. This will enable students to communicate with parents and carers before they make their journey home, track buses and get digital bus passes ready.

We’ve welcomed PCSO Martin Powell, Police Schools’ Liaison Officer this week to carry out assemblies with all year groups. His focus has been on sexting and the possible impacts of both possessing and sharing images. This complements the work that we do in school in PSHCE and will support our students in making good choices.



It was great to welcome so many students and their parents and carers to the Duke of Edinburgh Award information evening on Monday. We were delighted with the success of our students last year and are looking forward to seeing what this year’s cohort can achieve. On Monday, we’ll be having a Bake Sale to raise some funds to support the award.




Our BTEC Travel and Tourism group were carrying out some primary research, travelling across to Blackpool on Thursday. Mr. Grierson reports, ‘The sun shone brightly on the BTEC Travel and Tourism students on their visit to Blackpool. The bulk of the day was spent at the Pleasure Beach, experiencing the thrills of the roller coasters. Mrs Bradford was brave enough to do the Pepsi Max Big One and Mrs Webb got drenched on Valhalla, the Waterslide. The students will use the experience to support them to complete their coursework unit around customer service and why tourists visit certain locations.’




We thought that you may like to see the work that Year 9 have been doing in Art, ready for display. It’s impressive.

Following nominations last week, Student Council elections have been underway with Form classes voting for their representatives, with the first meetings scheduled for next week.

With extra-curricular clubs back up and running, Mr. Field reports ‘Extra- curricular PE this week has been up to its usual amazing standard. 106 students have participated in the 12 activities that have been on offer.’

A message from the admin team is that the deadline for ordering school photographs for free delivery back to school is now 4th October 2024.

The Friends of Boroughbridge High School met on Wednesday. There will be lots of opportunities for you to get involved in fundraising activities in the coming months.

Have a lovely weekend!