Headteacher’s Blog – 24th February 2023
There’s been a definite feeling of Spring this week as we’ve returned from our half term break. With Random Acts of Kindness Day on Friday 17th March, Mrs. Hunter’s assemblies this week have explored this theme, looking at people who’ve made it their mission to carry out a random act of kindness each day with students being encouraged to do the same.
As you’re aware our school community is benefiting from working closely with the NHS Wellbeing in Mind team who are based in the Bungalow. With the understanding that sleep is essential for our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, this week they’ve shared some tips for better sleep.
In sporting news, the Year 8 Handball Team were in action on Thursday and, whilst they didn’t win (17-9), Mr. Field reports that ‘After a nervous start they really proved their
resilience in putting on a good performance. A loss that we will learn from and improve further. As their first competitive fixture this was a good start and promising for future handball fixtures.’

This week we’ve said farewell to Mrs. Collings who is part of the SEN team and Mrs. Brokenbrow who is part of the Catering Team. We thank them for their considerable input to our school community and wish them well for the future.
A reminder that we have a Professional Development Day on Wednesday 15th March when students do not attend school. This will follow the Year 9 Options Evening on Tuesday 14th March.
Have a lovely weekend!