Headteacher’s Blog – 24th January 2025

We were incredibly grateful to the First Responder Team who came into school on Wednesday for our ‘Restart a Heart’ day. Years 7, 8 and 9 participated and with Years 10 and 11 carrying out the training last year, our school community is now fully trained in CPR. You can find out more about it at https://www.bhf.org.uk/how-you-can-help/how-to-save-a-life/how-to-do-cpr

As part of our Raising Achievement Strategy, we’re systematically focusing on aspects of Teaching and Learning.  We’re currently looking at questioning in classrooms which also links into our Phases of Learning. We’ll be talking with students of the value of questions in checking understanding and supporting students’ thinking and how this enables teachers to adapt their teaching to move the learning on. It also gives students an opportunity to show their ‘Ambition’ by actively participating and contributing in lessons whilst also developing ‘Resilience’.

Years 10 and 11 have had feedback on their progress at our Parent/Carer evening on Wednesday. Thank you for your attendance. We also took the opportunity in Year 11 assembly on Friday to present students with their Progress Exam results as if they were receiving them in August so that they can reflect on the approach that they need to take in the coming months.

In Assemblies this week, through our value of ‘resilience’ Mr. Grierson has focused on peer pressure looking at both the positives and negatives. He explored the factors that make groups behave in certain ways and shared strategies that students can use to support them in making positive choices.

In sporting news, Mrs Cheeseman reports ‘This week we had two fantastic football opportunities for Year 7 & 8 girls. For many it was their very first fixture representing the school. On Monday, Boroughbridge High School hosted the indoor area Year girls 5-a-side tournament. All teams participated excellently well demonstrating high levels of skill. All games were low scoring and extremely close. The BHS team came 3rd with Harrogate Ladies College  1st and Ashville College 2nd.

Wednesday saw two teams travel to Ripon Grammar School to play in a Year 7 and 8 fixture. This is the first time both teams have played together. They showed an immense amount of respect for each other. Well done to Alice, who scored a goal in the Year 7 game and player of the Year 8 match, Ava. I was particularly impressed with the girls’ resilience to preservere even when the score was against them. A highlight was the ‘carpool karaoke’ (I’m not joking) on the way home. Thank you very much to the Boroughbridge Community Care Minibus team and our driver Nic for providing us with transport to the game.’

It was also lovely to see our Year 9 Sports Leaders stepping up to the mark on Wednesday supporting a cross country event for our local primary schools hosted at BHS.

Coming up in the next couple of weeks is Year 8 Parent/Carer Evening on Wednesday 5th February and Year 9 exams begin on 10th February.

Have a lovely weekend!