The theme at Boroughbridge High School over the last week or so has been learning outside of the classroom. Last Thursday, Miss Whiles and the Year 9 History Club visited the Boroughbridge War Memorial in preparation for their next project to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War One. Students took a wreath to show their respect for the people named on the memorial and will be researching their family histories in the weeks after half term. Then at the weekend, as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, eight students set off on their Bronze Practice Expedition around Castle Howard and the Howardian Hills. The report from their trip leaders was that they’d had a really successful expedition with all students working really hard and pushing themselves in all areas.

On Tuesday, GCSE Geographers set off to the fastest eroding coastline in Europe, the Holderness Coast. Their focus was on Mappleton and the success of the rock armour revetment with rock groynes in reducing erosion. Wednesday saw Year 12 and 13 Photography, English and History students making the journey to Whitby to carry out a range of activities. Historians were considering what can be determined about a site’s history through its architecture, exploring the old and new town, using their vast contextual knowledge to draw conclusions. The Photographers were developing their skills in what can only be described as a stunning location and English students retraced the steps of Dracula whilst reading the text. Don’t worry though, despite this plethora of activity, there was still time for fish and chips for lunch!

On Thursday morning, Mrs Simmonds and her BTEC Hospitality group went down to The Crown to see a working hotel in action. They were able to visit all areas of the hotel and the knowledge that they gained will support them with their course in the coming months. Thanks to The Crown for accommodating this visit. Just as the group were returning, Abi in Year 9 was on a virtual fieldtrip of her own to Belgium, skyping and communicating about future projects with one of the team of teachers who visited our school a few weeks ago.
Thanks this week also go to Mr Hugh Fink (FINK of Boroughbridge) for donating a ‘good as new’ keyboard and mixing desk to the Music department. They are already set up and in use. If anyone is having a clear out and would like a new home for their musical items, we are very happy to collect!
In and amongst all of this, following the success of Open Evening, we’ve been delighted to show many prospective Year 6 students and their parents around our school on a working day.
Finally, thanks to Year 7 parents who attended Parents’ Evening on Thursday. We think that Year 7 have made an excellent start to their time at Boroughbridge High School and have settled in well and it’s great to see in your feedback that you think so too.
A reminder that it’s Parent Forum where we’ll discuss school catering on Thursday 8th November from 6-7pm. Please e-mail if you wish to attend.
Well, it’s here! The half term holiday. Thanks for your ongoing support and I hope you all have a lovely half term break.