On Wednesday, Mrs Wellock along with Year 10 students, Phoebe, Amara, Rebecca, Ella, Isabel H, Isobel M, Hollie, Emily, Abi, Clarissa, Poppy and Isabelle S set off for York University for a day immersed in English. Students attended a range of workshops delivered by the PGCE trainees including using forensic linguistics to solve the case of a death on the campus; thinking about storytelling over time (How did people tell stories in the past without writing? How might a story change when it is retold? What are the earliest forms of the written word?); fairy tales and literary theory (Do fairy tales influence society or does society influence fairy tales?) and didactic theatre. Whilst they still have a little time to go, they were encouraged to think about the possibility of studying English at A-Level and beyond. Mrs Wellock reported that the students were brilliant, displaying exemplary behaviour and a real willingness to step out of their comfort zones.

As they were departing from school, we were welcoming our Australian visitors. Mr Inglis, through his STEM work has developed a link with Cumberland High School in New South Wales and we were delighted to welcome staff and students. After a visit to Kirby Hill Primary School, students had the opportunity to participate in lessons at BHS before carrying out their own Science experiments. The day ended with a barbecue and talk of the Conference at York University the following day. So, on Thursday morning with resources at the ready, the team set off to meet up with our Australian visitors for their presentations in York. Just in case you are wondering, that’s a bee!

Meanwhile down in Duxford, Dr Lefley and his Year 8 team were competing in the Race for the Line finals. After extensive planning, use of the hot wire cutter and much enthusiasm, the car was ready for competition. The result is yet to be announced!
Out in the community last week some of our students were performing in Bugsy Malone whilst this week our musicians will be performing on Saturday at Nun Monkton Village Feast Day between 2 and 2.40pm. My apologies go to Madi (Year 8), one of the stars of Bugsy who I omitted to mention in the Blog last week.
It’s National School Sport Week and the focus of the Five Ways to Wellbeing has also been the focus of assemblies this week. We’ve explored each of the ways identifying what it might mean to us individually and actions we can take to look after both our physical and mental health.
Thanks to The Crown for being an excellent venue last Friday for the Year 13 Leavers’ Meal. We had a lovely meal and it was a great opportunity for thanks and wishing all well for the future. This Friday we’ll be at The Bridge Inn for the Year 11 Prom.
We’ve got another busy week ahead and are looking forward to welcoming Year 6 into our school community when they visit us for their Induction Days from Wednesday to Friday. Exciting times!
Have a lovely weekend!