With just 43% of 18-24 year olds voting in the last general election, assemblies this week have focused on the importance of getting involved and making your vote count. Aimee in Year 12, Vice-Chair of the Youth Voice Executive, has been asking all year groups to decide which issue is most important to them and which they would like to be discussed by the UK Youth Parliament in the House of Commons. With issues ranging from votes at 16 to tackling homelessness, supporting mental health to rural transport, students have had much to think about.
On Wednesday, the corridors rang with the sound of ‘Bonjour’ and ‘Hola’ whilst the MFL corridor was infused with the aroma of crêpes when we celebrated the European Day of Languages. Only when the words ‘Je voudrais une crêpe s’il vous plait.’ or ‘Quisiera un crêpe por favor.’ were uttered were students presented with a crêpe of choice! Keeping on the theme of cuisine, in Food Technology, Year 7 have been making healthy salads along with crispy croutons.

Meanwhile, up in Science it’s been models galore as students have been creatively representing different aspects of the Science curriculum as you can see.

It was a pleasure to be able to share all of this with Alan Kinder, the Chief Executive of The Geographical Association who visited on Wednesday. He had the opportunity to tour the school, speak to students, visit lessons and talk about all things geographical with Mr Kite and Mrs Hardcastle.
We welcomed Year 12 parents to an Information Evening on Thursday where they found out about the two years ahead and interestingly, Year 12 are already thinking about their futures, discussing possible degrees and universities. This is not surprising as they’ve made such a positive start to their A-Level studies.
The week ended with our contribution to the World’s Biggest Coffee morning, raising funds for Macmillan Cancer support. Ably organised by Lydia, Deputy Head Girl and her team, staff and Sixth Form students enjoyed a coffee, cake and chat, conscious that they were raising money for a very good cause.
Enjoy the weekend!