Yes, we did it! With the support of our staff, students, local supporters and you, we exceeded our target for boxes for the Rotary Shoebox Appeal, reaching the impressive total of 108 boxes. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

A day later, our students performed at the Ripon Cathedral Christmas Fair and you can hear more from them along with other students at the late night Christmas shopping event in Boroughbridge on Wednesday evening. They’ll be singing carols from 5-5.30pm.

On Tuesday, we were delighted to welcome John Alder, representing Boroughbridge Lions, to present prizes to the three Year 8 winners of the Peace competition, Dominique, Katlynn and Emily. As you can see, the designs are colourful and a really clear representation.

It’s often a mystery as to what teachers do on a Professional Development Day. Well let me reveal all. We reflected on, evaluated and developed our Agreed Practice whilst also focusing on literacy. It’s important that we take the opportunity to reflect and continue to improve our practice for the benefit of our students.
Thanks for the requests for MCAS (My Child at School) login details. We’ve been inundated so please be patient as we’ll contact you over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, on the football front, Year 8 had a 5-0 victory against St. Francis Xavier with a goal each from Harry and Matt and a hat-trick from Will. We’re now through to the last 16. Well done team.
We’re now well underway with the Year 10 and 11 Progress Exams. Students appear to be well prepared and have soon got to grips with the requirements of the Exam Hall. We’ll look forward to giving them their results back in the coming weeks so that they can identify what they need to do to improve and their teachers can use their papers to plan their lessons in order to plug gaps in knowledge and skills.
Down in Food Technology, Year 8 have been involved in a Bake-Off where they’ve had the opportunity to demonstrate the skills that they’ve developed over the term, in a bake of their choice. You will have noticed that there is a definite Christmas theme creeping in.

Talking of which, thank you for your contributions so far to the Tombola and Raffle Hampers for the Christmas Fair which is on Saturday 8th December from 10a.m. to 12 noon.
If you’ve got an advent calendar then enjoy opening the first door tomorrow!