Creative Careers was the focus of a trip for some Year 9 and 10 students, nominated by their teachers to attend the BBC Bitesize Roadshow last Friday. Presenter Jonny Nelson, who recently fronted CBBC’s live Saturday morning children’s show, Saturday Mash-Up, was the host. Jonny introduced three guests, a researcher who has been working for 999 Rescue Squad and the BBC1 River Walks series, a Freelance Lighting Director, who has worked for the BBC, Channel 4, Sky and on shows including X Factor, Strictly and The Apprentice and a Visual Effects Supervisor, who has experience in period dramas, sci-fi and worked for Netflix. They all talked about their career ideas when they were at school and how their aspirations changed over time. The theme running through the morning was that you should take opportunities even if they seem scary. You can find out more on the website.
Nidderdale was the location for a highly successful Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifying expedition last weekend. Two teams were in action, both working well with navigating the highways and byways above Pateley Bridge and camping at How Stean Gorge. Students were complimented by many fellow walkers and the campsite team. Well done all.

In assemblies this week, Miss Ingham has been talking to students about stress. She explained that we all need a certain level of stress to motivate us (would teenagers revise for exams without the motivation of a little stress?) but also what to do if you feel overwhelmed. Talking, taking action and spending time in natural environments were top tips for managing stress.
Year 7 have been fully focused on exams this week whilst Year 8 will be looking forward to Parents’ Evening next Wednesday where conversations will focus on progress and recent Year 8 exams. Please accept my apologies, I’ll be representing BHS by presenting a workshop at a national conference in Manchester on Wednesday. Mr Grierson will be available to answer any questions.
Have a lovely weekend!