Headteacher’s Blog – 5th July 2024


The weather was finally kind for a Duke of Edinburgh expedition last weekend as our Year 10 group embarked upon their Bronze qualifying expedition. Students showed remarkable resilience and staff were impressed with their emerging skills and positive attitudes. Our congratulations go to our students and thanks to Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Bauwens, Mr. Lough and Mr. Swain for making the expedition possible.


We’ve had a great week welcoming our new Year 7 students to the Boroughbridge High School family. Having spoken with students and their parents and carers on Monday evening, it was lovely to see students return on Wednesday morning for their three Induction Days. Along with getting familiar with the layout of the school, meeting new friends and school staff, they’ve experienced a wide range of lessons and completed many varied activities. The school dinners were also a real hit. Making a guest appearance on Friday for the Sports afternoon were our former Year 11 Sports Leaders. It was a superb afternoon, resulting in an excellent end to three fantastic Induction Days.

We’ve now completed one full cycle of the new timetable with students getting used to new classes, new teachers and, for some, new subjects. This, as ever, will enable us to have a productive end to the Summer Term and a smooth start to the Autumn Term. One addition to our Key Stage 3 curriculum this year is ‘The Child:ReWild project’ led by Mr. Woodward which follows Forest School principles and gives a group of our young people the opportunity to work on a skills-based curriculum for a session each fortnight, learning a range of outdoor skills, getting a practical and first hand understanding of the natural environment whilst also developing resilience. As you can see, the first few sessions are going well!

Our Year 10 students who have been working with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service on the Sustainable Futures Careers project finished their work today by presenting their projects and research to Alexis Percival, Yorkshire Ambulance Service’s Environmental & Sustainability Manager. Mrs. Town and Mrs. Morgan report that ‘The students did a fantastic job and showed great awareness of how different businesses are having to adapt their practices to consider a sustainable future. Presentations included a range of topics from how to engage teenagers with the environment to how to design a green ambulance station of the future.’ Well done to all.

Sports Day was launched this week (and will take place in the final week) with Mr. Field talking to the whole school about the events that are taking place and the importance of participation as well as performance. Having explained how points can be gained from starting and finishing events as well as being placed, form classes are now thinking strategically about who should enter each event.

Thank you very much for your responses to the Parent/Carer questionnaire. We’ve had 115 replies which will enable us to compare with the survey carried out by Ofsted just over a year ago and we’re using your feedback to shape our plans for next year. I’ll give you further details in the final Headteacher’s Update of the year.

The Friends of Boroughbridge High School raised a fantastic £200 at the Boroughbridge Lions Summer Fete last Sunday. Thank you for your support with this.

We have much to look forward to in the coming two weeks. GCSE Geographers will be going on their first field trip of the course to Leeds to look at housing inequalities within the city. Next Tuesday, it’s our Summer Concert at 6p.m. in the Main Hall. All are welcome. Whilst there will be no charge, donations would be appreciated. Then, on Friday, it’s our Rewards Trip to the Great Yorkshire Show. Exciting times! A reminder that school closes at 1.30p.m. on Friday 19th July for the Summer break.

 Have a lovely weekend!