Headteacher’s Blog – 7th February 2025

Last weekend was an incredibly successful one for Austin (Y9) who, competing in the English Karate Childrens and Veterans Championships in Sheffield secured a fantastic Silver and Gold medal. What an achievement!

Keeping a focus on success, in assemblies this week Mr. Scott (Head of Science) has been exploring with students future opportunities and the likelihood that, due to the development of technology, our students will have jobs that don’t exist at this moment in time. Therefore, he talked about the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects and the addition of an ‘A’ for ‘Arts’ to make STEAM which encourages students to think critically and creatively and to use engineering or technology in imaginative designs or creative approaches to real world problems. Students were left in no doubt of how their current learning would link to their futures.

Over the last few weeks our Year 11 students have been thinking beyond GCSE, visiting local post-16 provisions in Harrogate and York and, this week, a group went across to King James’s School for the Taster Day where they met staff and students and experienced lessons across the post-16 curriculum.

It was great to welcome so many people to the Year 8 Parent/Carer evening on Wednesday.  Along with lots of productive conversations around progress, it was good to have many general conversations about the positive experiences that Year 8 are having at Boroughbridge High School.

In sporting news, Mr. Field reports, ‘The Year 8 boys took on King James’ School on Thursday night in the much anticipated 2nd round of the District Cup.  The boys were eager to put the recent exit from the ESFA Small Schools Trophy competition behind them with this local derby.  The start of the match did not unfold as intended with the boys not showing the ambition that they had shown in abundance in previous games.  There were flashes of attractive football which showed that they still had an ample skillset to take on the federated opposition.  The first half ended with the boys 4-1 behind, a nice lobbed goal from A. Farnworth instilled some belief as they came into the break.  A refocusing of mindset during the half time team talk proved to be very beneficial as the boys played with ever growing confidence and started to take the game to their rivals.  Wave after wave of Boroughbridge attack poured pressure onto the King James defence forcing them to concede a large amount of corners.  Unfortunately the pressure did not come to fruition and the game ended with the King James’ team progressing to the quarter final winning 5-1.  Valuable lessons were taken from the performance with an understanding and belief that, as a team, they are very capable of causing any team problems and the importance of focusing on their performance to ensure they play at their very best.’

Year 7 girls were involved in a Bench ball tournament this week. Mrs. Cheeseman reports ‘On Wednesday eleven Year 7 girls travelled to Thirsk School to take part in a Benchball tournament. Well done to, Alice, Ruby, Josie, Charlotte, Matilda, Maddy, Lyla, Benedita, Amelia, Esmae and India. The school games event was aimed at providing an opportunity to increase wider engagement and participation in sporting competitions. We placed 3rd and all who took part got a fancy medal to celebrate. A special mention to Maddy, who was awarded MVP (most valuable player) for her nifty defending skills and to Josie, who was awarded an additional medal for her enthusiasm and determination displayed in the games. Lastly, I want to highlight how brilliant Charlotte was, she was getting interceptions left, right and centre!’

A reminder that we’re currently collecting feedback about the progress that we’ve made with behaviour as part of our work with the Behaviour Hub programme. It’s helpful for us to have as many responses as possible as this gives us a more accurate picture. The survey will remain open until Monday so you still have time to give your feedback. You can complete it at https://forms.gle/pq8bMxFgEbrYGu8h8 Thank you if you’ve already done so.

Next week Year 9 have an important week ahead as it’s Year 9 exam week. We carry out exams with each year group so that they get used to the rules and regulations of the exam room in preparation for their GCSEs.

A date for your diary, the Friends of Boroughbridge High School are organising a quiz and chilli night at BHS on the evening of Friday 21st March. Teams of up to 6, bar and raffle. Further information on how to buy tickets will follow shortly.

Have a lovely weekend!