With climate change currently a hot topic in the news, it was great to welcome eighteen Year 6 students from Kirby Hill Primary School to take part in practical activities with Mr Inglis as part of the Polar Explorer cross phase project. The focus of their investigation? The science of climate change! They produced a chromatogram of the earth’s atmosphere, discussed glacial movement and why we should be concerned about it, investigated the effects of the increasing acidity of our seas due to increased levels of carbon dioxide and investigated the effects of acidity in seashells. The work will be continued when they get back to their own school.

Meanwhile, on one of my regular walks around school, I came across a Year 7 Science class who were teaching themselves about climate change! Loucia took to the floor and presented her carefully constructed research around climate change whilst being asked questions from her peers. Keiran asked a very pertinent question ‘Which is worse, plastic finding its way to the sea or being burnt and releasing carbon dioxide?’ Perhaps one for you to have a weekend ponder about. Year 7 were going to discuss it in more detail later in the lesson.
Year 9 will have an exciting weekend of packing ahead as many of them are going to Bewerley Park on Tuesday. We’re hoping to show a daily photo on the website so that you can see what they’re up to.
In Showjumping success this week, Imogen in Year 7 won the northern Bronze league gaining the highest number of points in the country for the 148cm ponies (16 years and under riders). Congratulations Imogen.
Advance warning that our production of ‘We Will Rock You’ will take place on Friday 12th July from 7-9p.m.
Finally, best wishes to Mrs Donnelly who goes off on maternity leave today. From Monday, Mrs Godsell-Wright will be stepping in to look after Year 10 and Mrs Williams will be looking after Year 9.
Have a lovely weekend.