We’re taking part in the Big Battery Hunt this year in order to do our bit for the environment by recycling batteries. Students in Years 7 to 9 have a battery recycling box ready for filling or you can send your used batteries in to School Reception. 4 million batteries were collected across the nation last year so let’s hope our contribution will help to beat that.

There was an air of focus at Year 13 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday as teachers, students and parents discussed required actions in the coming weeks to secure maximum success. There are literally only 9 weeks until Year 13 students go on Study Leave with exams starting on 13th May. But the next few weeks won’t all be about work with students having a trip to London including a visit to the Houses of Parliament on 27th March.
Parents of Years 10 and 11 were hearing about the rules and regulations for the forthcoming exam season at the Parent Forum on Thursday evening. From the requirement of a transparent pencil case to leaving your mobile outside of the Exam Hall, parents were given details to help them to support their children through the exam session. If you weren’t able to attend the session then the PowerPoint presentation containing the information can be found on the parent section of the website under ‘Educational Updates’.
Mr Grierson’s assemblies this week for Years 7 to 10 have focused on World Book day whilst Year 11 have been thinking about effective ways to revise.

Next week’s events include Year 9 Options Evening on Wednesday 13th March at 5pm. We’ll start with a talk in the Hall before moving to subject discussions. Parents of Year 9 should have already received the Options booklet so that you have time to study it in advance of the evening.
A reminder that Wednesday 20th March is a Professional Development Day when students do not attend school and I’m sure that your children need no reminder that next Friday is a non-uniform day to raise money for Comic Relief.
Have a lovely weekend!