With Remembrance Day on Sunday, Mrs. Ennis has led assemblies this week looking at the importance of Remembrance Day by focusing on the Royal British Legion theme for 2024 to remember D-day and the people who keep us safe along with discovering how service still protects us today. In each assembly we’ve observed a two minute silence. On Wednesday afternoon 27 of our Service students attended the North Yorkshire Service Children – Festival of Remembrance’ at Ripon Cathedral. Mrs Murphy reports,’ The students had a lovely time today at Ripon Cathedral. This year’s theme was ‘All together Now’ and we were lucky to have been invited to attend the Green Howard’s Museum in Richmond to learn about a soldier who gave their life in World War 2 prior to the event. The soldier we were given to remember was Captain Verity Hedley, who was originally from Leeds and a professional cricketer before he enlisted in the Army. He unfortunately was wounded in battle in Italy and later died of his wounds, at the age of 38, before he arrived at a Prisoner of War camp. Chloe, Gethin, Daniel and Libbie got to go on the visit and gave a presentation to the other forces children prior to the service. During the service Gethin and Libbie presented the photo, a poppy and a Boroughbridge High School sign to the alter in the cathedral. We got to sing some songs, alongside other schools and choirs and listen to some readings. Charlie Milson and Paa Kofi Akomea-Barnie read a reading from the bible. We listened to some really emotive letters written from serving personnel to their children and also the replies of the children and we got to celebrate ‘ all together now’. Thanks to Mrs Webb and Mrs Mannion who accompanied me on the trip.’
On Sunday, I’ll be accompanied by Alyssa and Libbie at the Remembrance service at St. James’ in Boroughbridge before they lay the wreath at the war memorial on behalf of Boroughbridge High School. It’s a privilege to participate in such an important event in our community.
It was great to meet so many of you at the Year 10 Parent/Carer Evening on Wednesday. With progress exams rapidly approaching, this is well timed to support our students in understanding their strengths and areas to work on along with honing their revision techniques.
Thinking of ambitious futures, open to parents and carers of students in all year groups, is the upcoming Parent/Carer information evening on Thursday 21st November 2024 at 6p.m. on careers followed by an opportunity for you to ask questions about any aspect of school life. To book a place, please e-mail schooladmin@boroughbridgehigh.com
We were pleased to welcome Martin Powell, Police Schools’ Liaison Officer back into school on Tuesday. Following his assemblies to all year groups earlier in the year about sexting and the possible impacts of both possessing and sharing images, this week the focus was on Hate Crime. Students watched a compelling video showing how we all have a responsibility to ensure that our communities are free of homophobic language and the possible legal consequences when a hate crime is committed. This supports our strong safeguarding culture and our key value of respect.
Year 7 Geographers have been out on location in Boroughbridge carrying out primary fieldwork to investigate the hypothesis ‘The function of Boroughbridge is a resort town’. Collecting evidence through field sketches, traffic counts, pedestrian counts and a land use survey, students began to form their own conclusions which they will follow up back in class. Their approach and focus was excellent throughout. Well done Year 7!
A message from the Friends of Boroughbridge High School Thanks to those parents and carers who have bought tickets for the Bingo and Burger Night on Friday 15th November at 7pm (with first chocolate bingo game at 7.30pm.) Tickets are £10 and include burger and chips and your first game of bingo. All other games £1 to play. All the family are welcome.
There will be a cash or card bar, raffle, tuck shop and sweet tombola. We are looking for raffle prizes so if you have anything you are able to donate please drop them into school reception. We also need chocolate prizes for the bingo –
all shapes and sizes please!
Please buy your tickets at https://tinyurl.com/FoBHSBingo before the end of the weekend as we need to sell a further 30 tickets for the event to go ahead.
If you’re a fan of the great outdoors, you may like to try out the Forest School activity that students carried out on Monday, details are below. Both Mr. Woodward and our students can assure you that the results are delicious!
Have a lovely weekend!