Information For Parents

As a school, we endeavour to work with parents in supporting our young people. We believe the parents know their children best and, by working together, we can ensure the best outcome for our young people.

Young people with Special Educational Needs are identified through:

  • Close liaison with feeder primaries
  • Baseline screening in year 7
  • Transition information from the Local Authority
  • Regular monitoring of progress data
  • Regular liaison with Pastoral managers, class teachers and subject leaders
  • Feedback from teaching assistants
  • Liaison with the SEND Hubs.
  • Liaison with the Educational Psychologist, CAMHS, Compass and Early Help.

The Learning Support Department uses a range of standardised and diagnostic assessments to clarify and identify a range of needs across social, emotional and learning domains.

Information about pupils is provided for staff on the Student Need’s Register and on pupil friendly Individual Provision Maps.  Many primary schools provide an Inclusion Passport, a transition document used to share details about previous provision of support in other schools, including primaries.  The Inclusion Passport helps to provide a sense of ownership for pupils in communicating with their teachers about their individual needs. The Individual Provision Map helps summarise the key information on this in order to support subject teachers.

Our Individual Provision Maps are child centered and the young person will be involved in writing it. Parents are encouraged to be involved in this process.

The SENCO will be available on parents evenings. If you would like an appointment please ask your son/daughter to make one or, alternatively, e-mail the SENCO.

If you would like to discuss your child’s special educational needs at other times please e-mail or telephone for an appointment.