Supporting Organisations

Dyspraxia foundation

The Dyspraxia Foundation is a country Wide charity, founded in 1987 as the Dyspraxia Trust by two mothers who met at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. After being told that their children had Dyspraxia they were astonished and dismayed to discover that no facilities existed to help or inform parents and children with the condition. They decided to form their own group to help others to help themselves.

Made by Dyslexia

A global charity led by successful dyslexics. Our purpose is to help the world properly understand, value and support dyslexia.

British Dyslexia Association

Offering dyslexia information, advice and services

SENDIASS, North Yorkshire

Advice and Support for Children and young people with Special Educational Needs and / or disabilities 0-25 years old.
Arm’s length, Confidential, Impartial & Free Information.


NYMAZ is a youth music development charity which champions the trans-formative potential of music for children and young people in North Yorkshire and beyond.

Harrogate Skills for living

HS4LC offers a wide range of educational and meaningful day activities for young people and adults with specialist educational needs at their center in central Harrogate

Henshaws Arts and Crafts centre

At Henshaws Arts & Crafts we make more than art. We bring people together in an atmosphere that never fails to inspire.Through our workshops, people living with a range of disabilities discover their talents, put them into practice and realize their full potential. Accessible and open to all, our Arts & Crafts Centre is a community hub where creativity, friendships and opportunities come to life. We also have a cafe on site

Ripon Walled Garden

Ripon Walled Garden is a local charity supporting young people and adults with learning difficulties achieve their life goals. Part of Ripon Community Link.

Orb Community Arts

The Orb Community Arts project works with a positive mental health focus to support vulnerable people who are suffering social and economic exclusion to grow in skills and confidence and have more opportunity to play a role in the life of the community.

Family Fund

An organisation that provides grants for families with disabled children